Fear of Drones | Teen Ink

Fear of Drones

March 8, 2018
By Yobro BRONZE, San Mateo, California
Yobro BRONZE, San Mateo, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am really frustrated by the totally unrealistic fear that people seem to have with new tech, especially drones. When researching, I looked into a article in the New York Times that talked about this subject. The author said that he bought a drone, and while flying it he got several comments from passers-by, including one expressing worry about using it to spy it apartment windows, and another stating, “It’s only a matter of time before someone puts a bomb on that thing (the drone) and flies it into a football stadium”. The author then goes to counter those two arguments, but I won’t go into that.
It's not that I don’t understand why people would be afraid of drones, as well as other emerging tech, like self-driving cars. But I think their (our?) fear doesn’t stem from a logical source. Or at least, the fear is blown out of proportion of what that fear would look like through a logical lens. As a person with a very logical personality, this frustrates me a great deal. Yes, drones are a new and budding technology that does pose some security and privacy risks, but those risks are overshadowed by the great help this tech will be to most, if not all industries, not just law enforcement and the military. I think people are so afraid of drones because they don’t realize how useful and potentially life saving these tools can be. I think of it like this: Even though cars can be unpredictable and deadly, they are still a vital part of almost every industry. They have been used for war, with things such as armored cars and tanks, but they have also been used for peace, for things such as transportation to well, everywhere. This automobile makes it possible for people to transport themselves, their families and their luggage quickly 20 miles away, sit down, have a picnic, and then head home. It also makes it possible, (with the truck) to ship tons of necessities up, down and around the many United States of America. Or to transport people from their house to their work, and back again, everyday. I hope that drones in the near future will also be used in this way; available everywhere, for whatever purpose necessary, to the masses. So that this new tech’s good can outweigh the bad, and it can be used for peace, rather than war.

The author's comments:

After reading this, I hope people will be more informed as to what drones can be used for, and hopefully fear them less. 

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DHMH said...
on Mar. 21 2018 at 11:32 am
I only saw the neg before your article- your article showed me the other side. I particularly like the analogy with the cars