Homophoba isn't really a phobia. | Teen Ink

Homophoba isn't really a phobia.

December 21, 2012
By rainbow_unicorn143 BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
rainbow_unicorn143 BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Open your mind before your mouth" -Chris Motionless (Cerulli)

“Homophobia isn’t really a phobia it’s an opinion some people have”
‘Homophobia’ a ‘phobia’ a so called ‘fear’ that people have. Homophobia is the ‘fear’ of people who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Most people think it’s a sin and they hate anyone who likes the same sex and they don’t think of them as human beings. Yes, I quote the word ‘fear’ because it’s not a ‘fear’. Period! People just think what they think because they are possibly in a religion where it’s not allowed or they just think it’s not right. 13-45% of teens from ages 8-18 cause self-harm to themselves because they are bullied for being gay, lesbian, or bisexual. They get called names, they get taunted, and even physically harmed by others, it doesn’t just happen in real life or at school, and it follows them home on the internet.

“sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”
What a lie this quote tells us. Words do hurt! They might even hurt more than sticks and stones because those scratches and bruises will heal soon but those words will never leave, they will always be glued to their memory and they will never get rid of it.
“Kill yourself! Nobody likes you!” “Eww being gay is gross.” “You don’t belong here, go die!”. People don’t realize that these words hurt and they could get their wish. A total of 4,960 teens commit suicide among the US youth ages 15-24 years old. It’s so sickening to think that people could do such harm to anyone for being different. LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) groups have to had so many hotlines for suicide prevention and they mostly only save 25% of the people that call in. Think about it, teens and young adults can’t take all the stupid stuff they get anymore so they take their own lives! Congratulations! Not only did you cause a normal person to kill him or herself but, you also killed the happiness of their family, friends, and even their partner.
“I love boys!” “I love girls! This “I don’t hook up with guys” this gets said to boys “I don’t hook up with girls because it’s gross.” This is called taunting, when they think they’re just going to have a normal day at school, they get this stupidity. ‘Popular’ kids follow them around the school and they taunt all that they can.

The next day, that gay kid you bullied and taunted isn’t there, you wonder why but you don’t care you just think he was too scared to come today but then you get home and hear on the news, “TOP STORY TONIGHT… A teen commits suicide after coming home from school.” It shows the pictures of the kid being happy with his mom and younger sister who was only about 5 or 6 years old. His now dead because you wanted to seem “cool” and taunt him. You’re probably thinking “Wow! What a loser.” Then you see his mom and little sister crying like there’s no tomorrow. You should really feel bad; you just destroyed a mother and a 6 year old life. Oh wait, the news says he left a suicide note, “I’ve rewrote this so many times and now it’s finally complete, so here I go. I couldn’t go back, I just couldn’t. It was just one kiss! Why do you think it’s okay to bully someone you don’t even know. You just had to be so evil didn’t you. yes I like…no wait, I liked boys, I’m dead now so who cares, but wait, you guys didn’t bully him, why? I know why it’s because he told you I went in for the kiss, well he was lying it was him. I blame my suicide on…” you turn off the T.V. so fast because you saw your name and you didn’t want your mom to see. Later that night the police knock on your door and your mom is shocked, disappointed, she didn’t raise you like that. You go to the door and what do you see, the mom and the sister, blood-shot eyes, their eyes. Runny nose, just pure sadness in their eyes. Congratulations! Not only did you cause a normal person to kill him or herself but, you also killed the happiness of their family, friends, and even their partner.

Next time you hear about someone who is gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, don’t make fun of them or don’t bully them so much that they kill themselves, just don’t bully them period. You want to know what really makes me mad? Teens, girls in general, say things like “oh yeah I like boys and girls." just to get guys to like them but then they go and say something like “I would never kiss a girl”…Really? Get a grip, there are people who really have feelings for the same sex, yeah maybe you don’t approve of it but that doesn’t give you any right to go and make fun of them and make them and to die , don’t act like someone you aren’t just to get people to like you. Be yourself, you don’t need everyone in the world to like you, plus in the end it doesn’t even matter because you might not even know them when you get older, and then what? Are you going to go tell more people lies about yourself. Bottom of the line, THINK TWICE before making fun of that gay kid who is just like you in so many ways and he might just like almost everything you do. In my opinion I think it’s 100% okay to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender because it’s not like you’re different in any way, you just like the same sex, big deal.

The author's comments:
I had to write this in language arts and was given the option to post it here, so here it is. it's about homophia not being a real phobia

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