The Battle for Equality | Teen Ink

The Battle for Equality

November 7, 2013
By AboveAverageJoe BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
AboveAverageJoe BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They say when a man and a women love each other very much, babies are born; the same babies that grow to be the future of this planet. If you ask me it sounds like a mutual effort, but why have women received the short end of the stick? Throughout history, women have been kept out of power, and restricted from duties that would ultimately contribute to society. Countless efforts have been made from the Seneca Falls Women’s’ Rights Convention, to now, but we haven’t truly reached gender equality yet.

Being a certain gender doesn’t make you dominant; it only makes you different. Every person, no matter the race, belief, or gender, can contribute to the human race as a whole. Women are necessary for the advancement of this world, as are men. So each side should be treated equally as such. Whether everyone knows it or not, we need women. Everywhere. Not just cooking or cleaning, because anyone can do that. We need them in office, we need them voting, we need them making important decisions.

The best solution is to join the ongoing movement. We can’t repair the past but we can certainly change the future. Give women the rights they demand, and very well do deserve. Imagine being denied over and over again only because you are a certain sex. Help kill women’s’ untrue and parasitical connotation of weakness that lurks within society. Women are here. They always have been and always will be. Women influence our world in too many ways for any kind of oppression take place on them.

Become a soldier in the battle for women’s rights. Join NOW now! The National Organization for Women addresses any problem that involves women. Genuine care flows through theirs with passionate fire burning in their stomachs. They have been taking action for women’s equality since 1996, and every action is a small but powerful step towards true gender equality.

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