Immigration | Teen Ink


November 7, 2013
By StephEllsw BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
StephEllsw BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Immigration is a known topic all over the world! Immigration is the act when people move to another country or region and they are not native to that place. This phenomenon has been going on since the beginning of time, and really began when America had settled officially and they all went against the Irish and German immigrants. I decided to pick this topic because I am Hispanic, and I strongly disagree with the things that people and governments say about immigration, even though I am a legal citizen. This topic is very important because immigrants believe it or not fuel our economy. They are the ones who keep it going by their hard labor and dedication to what they do, that if we lost them our economy would be in more debt than ever. It’s true and I also believe that we should keep the immigrants that are already here, but to stop more from crossing the border without legal documents. In order to prevent our economy from sinking deeper and the U.S. being filled with more illegal immigrants, we need to lift out voice and fight with civil disobedience to support an immigration reform to help those immigrants already in the U.S., but stop more from coming in. You can also help by joining organizations and networks like The Immigration Advocates Network, for more information on how to help.

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