Hong Kong Style | Teen Ink

Hong Kong Style

November 20, 2013
By kacs528 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
kacs528 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A place where I already live for 16 years, somewhere barely observed on the world map. However, Hong Kong has almost the world's best business location, time difference between Hong Kong and New York is 13 hours, and 8 hours difference with London. This is best for stock market transactions The most important thing is adjacent to mainland China, though the Hong Kong is part of China, Hong Kong the implementation of One Country, Two Systems. This world's third largest financial center, consecutive 18 years to get the world's freest economy rating of economic freedom index ranked first. This very tiny magical place in the global economy plays an important role.

The eyes of foreigners living in Hong Kong appears to be very happy, life is convenient, good order, anything you wanted to buy; you can buy it here. Reality of life in Hong Kong is suffering. Latest world happiness index, Hong Kong was rank at 64, proved that Hong Kong people are not happy. As a people of Hong Kong, I understand why this city is full of grievances. Various reasons which led us to a life filled with stress. No matter what age you are you will feel very painful living in Hong Kong.

At my age, all high school students almost need to face with all kinds of tests every day, coupled with homework assignments. Also to resume while you are not interested to participate in the activities. In addition, students in Hong Kong cannot really take the classes they really like. Failure of the education system and Hong Kong to an industrial and commercial premise, we have no alternative but to take these subjects. This means that you have no future studying other subjects. No wonder Hong Kong students hate the educational system. In my opinion, most students do not know what they are doing, they do not have goals in life, and school has been noted that it would waste their time adding stress onto the students and government.

Inflation, Rise in property prices, Government policies and other issues make Hong Kong people know what to do. Various causes of Hong Kong's atmosphere become increasingly worse. Every week I saw the news there always have people to procession and demonstration. No matter where you go, you will always feel the negative energy in this city. When people need help, people will not take the initiative to help. Course there are some exceptions, some people would help these people. Unfortunately, those who need help will not be thankful. These reflect Hong Kong people are increasingly indifference.

These are the impression of me to live in Hong Kong. This city is Inconsiderate, ruthless, and lack of patience with the financial package. Hong Kong people must regain its warm, positive attitude paid off, as society has to change, not greed. Government also suitable for social pressure, no longer blindly change yourself to suit others, so that the people getting poor self-image. We need to change the Hong Kong style.

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