The Art of Superbia | Teen Ink

The Art of Superbia

November 20, 2013
By Anonymous

Who are you to be proud? That may be a true question. Who am I to be proud and what for? What contributions have I made to society that should credit my name to any form of allocation or acclamation worth admiring. I am merely a speck, no for I am nearly half of the theory of physiological cosmological Planks in reference to scale energy. For I have not saved a life, created a life, or in our society that respects this, one whose ended one. So statistically based off of the logic so far I am worthless, in life, in relativity, and in meaning. Nevertheless my purpose in life still has a way to go. That’s where the dream should lie. To understand the fact that on average, 0.05% of my contributions in life would be noted; that should provide me with aspirations to be proud of later. But what about now, I surly get good grades and adequate congratulatory phrases from my teachers; so I do deserve to be proud. However, to dive into this realm of self-satisfaction and self-admiration I may have to understand the noun to better justify it.

pride [prahyd] noun, verb, prid·ed, prid·ing.
Synonyms: aplomb, assurance, confidence, self-assurance, self-assuredness, self-confidence, self-pride, self-trust, self-worth; dignity, face, honor, prestige
a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.

So to my knowledge how I should answer the question, ‘Who are you to be proud?’ is absolute folly. For the true question should be ‘Who has given you the authority to ask such a question?’ In the terms of the definition of pride, ‘I am the most greatest being to ever walk the crust of this Earth and whoever doesn’t believe so: I don’t care for it’s my merit not yours.’ This could be the most obvious way to describe pride or an ideal example of heightened hubris. Returning back to the subject, I have a lot to be proud of! The somewhat basics of what I’m grateful for is that I have a roof over my head, food to eat, clothing to wear, a father who loves me, a will to explore and live, and great American freedom to dream.

On a deeper meaning, I am proud of what I am. Regardless whether that be a man, a child, a delinquent, a teenager, or a son, others opinion doesn’t truly have meaning to me. It’s my self worth and value of how I am or to become. On what society may look at me, either ‘they’ shun away from what your are and your origin or the opposing side encourages you to embrace yourself and your culture. I have high hopes and aspirations to become a successful citizen who can contribute to society. I’m proud of the way I was raised. I’m proud of what values I have acquired growing up in the various places I have learned from. With being an immigrant then coming to America and living in over four different states and countless places within, each new environment established an aspect of personality I truly appreciate. Now pride; since it’s the idea of a particular person not just singular to an individual person, there are many ways of which to be proud in who you are.

First of all, you should be yourself. If your not you, how could you be proud of yourself?Give yourself an honest self-assessment, good and bad then base needed pride on achievements and strengths. Another way of building confidence in yourself is to be able to take criticism. Understand your flaws and problems and be a better person by working on them. Also, it should be better to be proud of self accomplishments rather than of a generalization because that umbrella could probably harbor some unwanted stereotypes.

The mere speck I was referring to: the plank theory, which is the shortest distance in the universe travel-able. It’s most commonly known and used to this day. Its importance is so vital that to get the distance between L.A. and New York and be ‘off’ by a few millimeters shows the significance of a minuscule concept . My meaning is to say that there is nothing insignificant about anything no matter what the extent . You are significant in your own special way. Either you’re the prince and princess of Saudi Arabia or a peculiar plank like me, everybody is different and the same. Everyone is important and superior in their own way. Be Proud!

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