Stop Judgements | Teen Ink

Stop Judgements

January 8, 2014
By DeAndre J BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
DeAndre J BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Racial profiling can be good in some cases because people can help but most time racial profiling judge people in a bad way so we need to stop racial profiling. It cause depression, it build stereotypes, and prove stereotypes.

My first reason is that racial profiling can create depression or sad behavior which affect people because some people need proof from others to know how that they are doing. Once they notice they are not looking good or being judge in the wrong way they end up doing things that hurt them badly because they are not right. For example, when this girl got jealous she ended up doing things that make her look unpresentable and you can tell she have been crying because her eyes would be red. This shows that racial profiling can do more than you think to a person that depends on personal feedback.

My second reason is that racial profiling build stronger and negative stereotypes because they are gaining more evidence of negative behavior. For example, when police talk to blacks or criminals they judge that race and try to bring it down off of one person problem. This show that when blacks are doing things or any race they can bring down the whole race.

My third reason is that racial profiling prove stereotypes because they are really evidence for stereotypes so that stereotypes can be stronger and more truthful. For example, when Marcus and I was going to the store with our ski mask on an officer looked at us funny then said,”Take off that mask sir, thank you.” This shows that the police thought we was up to no good because the stereotypes of young boys are bad so he thought what the stereotypes said.

I understand that racial profiling can help people by getting them help but there are more negative stereotypes and more evidence so this is why negative racial profiling should stop or America would have a lot of problems within the United States.

The author's comments:
I wrote this so people can stop hurting people because we are already living in a messed up world.

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