Black Stereotypes | Teen Ink

Black Stereotypes

January 8, 2014
By Anonymous

Do you know what a black stereotype is? Black stereotypes make a lot of people doubt the intelligence and incapability of black people. let me explain what I mean by that.

People Should not become black stereotypes. Black stereotypes make it harder for other blacks to succeed. Black stereotypes are taken as really violent and ignorant which means that all the other black people will be treated badly just because of someone else acting like a fool. I’m going to tell you why right now.

First of all stereotypes make it hard for blacks in three ways. They influence more kids to make easy drug money. They also influence men that life doesn’t get any better than going in and out of Jail. This only shows the negative things that black people do. For example there are more African american men in jail than any other race. Now let me explain more about the two ways .

Now when I say that black stereotypes temp kids with the allure to make easy drug money. I am saying that there are now kids that are at the ages of twelve,thirteen,and fourteen who are talking about selling drugs to kids around their neighborhoods. Just because someone told them that selling drugs is the best way to get easy money. Who was a black stereotype their self. I know kids that sell drugs once they dropped out of their first year of high school. This is what I meant when I say that black stereotypes influence kids to make easy drug money.

To elaborate more on what I said about black stereotypes influencing men that life doesn't get any better than going in and out of jail. I am saying that there are so many black men that have been arrested on more than one occasion for the same thing that they did the first time they were arrested. It’s like they want to be a stereotype. we need to be against becoming a stereotype. Not trying to become one. I have met all types of men who have been in and out of jail just because they have nothing better to do than rob people. That’s what I was saying about black stereotypes influencing grown men that life does not get better than going in and out of jail.

Black people get followed around in stores just because they are black and others feel that all black people are broke and ignorant. while you say all black are ignorant I say no we are not . Some of us just make ignorant choices with our free time, our money and our education. There is no more room for black stereotypes . We have enough and we need to be focused on how to change our futures,our neighborhoods, and our choices. For every negative thing you say I can say three more positive things to argue against what you said.

The author's comments:
I take the fact of not being a black male stereotype very seriously.I want to be a black man who has made a change in his community and not arrested multiple times for the same exact things I was arrested for the first time.I want to go to college and make a gym where young boys can come to get away from the Streets.

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