Stop Stereotyping | Teen Ink

Stop Stereotyping

January 8, 2014
By Christal M. BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Christal M. BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Racial profiling is a big problem in the world today and it needs to stop. I get that some people are trying to lower crime rates but it has gone too far. Some enjoy it and some do it especially police officers because most statistics show that a certain race or religion do a lot of certain things but innocents get targeted in that specific race or religion. Other races do certain things and sometimes don’t get the consequences they deserve. I believe racial profiling should end because certain races get targeted for a certain crime but if another race who does that same crime as the other race or religion they don’t get the same consequences. Another reason racial profiling should end is it affects that group of people way of life and they don’t have the ability to live their lives.

The first reason I would like to discuss is when a race gets targeted for a certain crime or little thing but if you have a race that they’re bias to or they are then they don’t believe they deserve equal consequences as the race who has more problems with that certain thing. For example, Eighteen year old Trayvon Martin died because he was a African American male wearing a black hoodie and looked suspicious to the police officer George Zimmerman so he shot him even though his Commander in Chief told him not to and to stand down. Afterwords, Zimmerman went on trial and was proven not guilty but we all know if the tables were turned Trayvon would’ve been guilty. This example shows that sometimes crime consequences depends on what race you are and that is not right and it’s unfair.

The second reason I would like to discuss is that racial profiling affects a race or religion way of life and they don’t have the same ability to live their lives as other races do. For example after the 9/11 attack in New York on the twin towers people show hatred towards Muslims so everywhere they go they get dirty looks or can’t do certain things. Another example is when the police pulled my mom and dad over for having their tags in the window. When they got pulled over the Caucasian officer called back on my parents for not letting the officer search their car for guns and drugs because the officer didn’t have a warrant. He told my parents to get out of the car squat put their hands behind their head and lean up against the wall in the winter time while my mother was pregnant with my sister. Before they let them go the officer asked my mother, “ What are you a black lawyer?” then my mother replied “ No I’m a black educated woman.’’ These examples show how races and religions can’t live there lives the same as others without always being accused of something.

To conclude, I understand that people use racial profiling to stop crime but people fought to have their rights and got brutally killed or beaten because they spoke up and fought for their rights but like I said before it has gone to far and has to stop today because you’re showing those people they've lost their lives and put all their time and effort in for their rights for nothing. Racial profiling needs to end today and it needs to end quickly.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this article was all of the past events and events that occurring today.

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