Racism and Segregation Today | Teen Ink

Racism and Segregation Today

January 8, 2014
By Anonymous

I know blacks like me and whites like you out there have had some differences. But, that’s back then, we shouldn't be worried about what happened two hundred years ago. We have worked for you and you got the benefit for our hard work. Now, we could come together and benefit off of each other.

Segregation shouldn't be a problem now. We decided together that we should be integrated,so why should we hate each other. Laws were passed by “white” presidents to integrate us. Some of you all agreed with it and some of you all disagreed with it. So why do you all still have hard feelings.That was about twenty to thirty years ago. Blacks started boycotting and going against Jim Crow Laws for this same reason, to be together.

Increasingly, white people started supporting us to be integrated so why do you have to be the only outlier. We have black political leaders and famous people, that you pay over one thousand dollars to get something from them. Whites vote for black political leaders and blacks vote for white political leaders, so why are whites mad at us because we have a black president. They really should be mad at their own race. Also, any movie you see Kevin Hart or Will Smith in you want to go see it. You’re a racist white ,but you want to go see a black movie.

Why are we differentiating each other, but we still have integrated communities. Blacks enjoy having whites in their neighborhood and most whites do too. Most blacks can bring a benefit to your community, if you just wait and see.

I understand that blacks have had more abilities than whites, before. Sometimes we have less knowledge than whites. But I guarantee you if we can work it out, we could be one. Like Langston Hughes said in his poem I Too Sing America,
“Besides, They’ll see how beautiful I am, And be ashamed”. That told me that Black is Beautiful, no matter how you put it.
This is why I believe, one day, out every year, we should have a National Integration Day. When all races mix with each other to see how people are on the inside, deep, deep on the inside.
“Not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”. -Martin Luther King JR

The author's comments:
I see segregation around me everyday.I see black families living in white neighborhoods and they're afraid to go to the all white schools, because they'll be indifferent from others. I see hatred of other races in our own government.I just don't understand.

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