What Matters | Teen Ink

What Matters

January 31, 2014
By RainbowNexus BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
RainbowNexus BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No two people ever read the same book.

What matters? I think it matters that little kids are being taught, No, that black man is wrong. That Asian is not who you want to meet. Most confusing, we humans are. I look around, I see humans, but no humanity. The first thing you notice is the skin. Dark chocolate, smooth tan, pale white. All beautiful. Small eyes, large eyes, short hair, dark hair, body type. Why does it matter? They are all just like you, scrambling for a position in life, bullying is worthless. No one deserves the hate, imagine waking up, you hate yourself. You feel ashamed of who you are, you don't understand, Why don't they like me? You can't tell anyone, how would they understand. The way you look, where you are from, the way you stand, all pinpoints of shame. A zip code shouldn't define you. You are abused because of what evolution created. White is no better than black, or Indian, or Asian. White is the absence of colour, a nasty emptiness. They are the way they are because they have been forced into hiding who they are. Not all black people are theives, not all Iraqi's are terrorists, not all Asians are smart, not all white people hate. But it's that majority that ruins who these people are. We are a petty race, not even fit to live. The hate I feel when I step into the outside world, makes me feel as if the human race should be shut down. We are stupid, make mistakes, and one of those mistakes is racism, discrimination, prejudice. Nasty stuff. Forget drugs. Forget guns. What about humans hurting humans?

The author's comments:
I really don't understand racism, I hope everyone out there figures this out.

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