America Getting Bigger | Teen Ink

America Getting Bigger

February 26, 2014
By Abbykatherine2017 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Abbykatherine2017 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Women in stretch pants who should know better, men with guts hanging over their belt buckles walking around shirtless -- we've all had that nasty thought: Look at that fat slob. From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate nearly t percent of U.S. adults more than 20 years of age were considered obese in 2009-10 alone. Estimates believe forty four percent of americans will be obese by 2030, if we keep these lifestyles up. Americans can’t get jobs because of their weight. Jennifer Rogers, 20, says she was turned down for a job at The Tilted Kilt in Southern California because the skirt they require female employees to wear was a size too small. Rogers says the rejection was upsetting and was not fair; "I could not work there because I couldn't wear the uniform. Everyone's perfect the way that they are, and we shouldn't have to look a certain way," said Rogers. This shows that many women in America who are overweight can't get certain jobs because of their size. Many doctors however, claim that being obese is a disease.

Thirty seven percent of the adults in the U.S. population are claimed to be obese. There are many health factors for being obese: heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression, and high blood pressure. Many people believe that it’s a disease but there is two sides to this. From Fox news and A.M.A saying that doctors will be more aware of obese and be totally healthy, recognizing it as a disease doctors think they can change the obesity. The other side of this is that obesity is a lifestyle that people choose to live in because they feel comfortable.
Obesity can be a lifestyle if making it one, eating right and going out places every now and then will show people they don’t care if you’re different or not. People being obese sometimes like it and sometimes they don’t, they can't do the things they want too. A study found that overweight men and women who are told obesity is a disease are less interested in going on a diet to improve their health and find fatty, calorie-laden foods more attractive coming from the IOL lifestyle. The other argument is genetics, is obesity caused from genetics or is it just still a lifestyle people choose.

Many people say that genetics can cause obesity, in such case genetics disorder. Professor Lesley Campbell, of the Garvan Institute's Diabetes and Obesity Research Program, says: "It can be argued that people predisposed to store fat are the lucky ones and the scrawnies have defective genes. This is a major play in obesity it’s mostly common to be obese from genetics. Zimmet believes genetics are responsible for at least fifty percent of all obesity cases. He believes obesity is often a genetic disorder – along the lines of depression or high blood pressure – and that it needs to be treated as such.

"It's not just one gene responsible for the current obesity epidemic, but as many as 30, and we need to understand that so it's not a case of pointing a finger at an individual," he says.

"Society must stop being so judgmental without even knowing a person's background. Assuming someone is fat because they're lazy or eat too much is just plain nasty."

This shows that in people today most of them are genetically obese. Like in teens today, many believe that some kids can’t help it, they can have eating disorders or its a lifestyle they want, or however, its just simple genetics.

Teens today judge people just by the clothes they wear, or even the part of town they live in. According to the American Obesity Association, about thirty percent of teenagers are overweight, and about fifteen percent of teens are obese. According to this about half of those teens will have early health problems. According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, obese kids between the ages of 10 and 13 have an eighty percent chance of becoming an obese adult. Teen obesity can lead to serious depression and other mental illnesses. There are many ways a teen can become overweight: bad eating habits, overeating, lack of exercise, family history, medical history, life changes, low self of steam, and even depression. In my opinion obesity can be a genetic or just a plain lifestyle someone wants to have.

Giving some thought on what obesity is. Overall people believe its a disease. But not all the time, you can be a obese and have a great life of no health issues, now that's a lifestyle to call your own. But remember seeing women in stretch pants who should know better, and men with guts hanging over their belt buckles walking around shirtless always have an option, they could have serious health issues or even love how they are. But overall people can live how they want to. They don’t need someone to tell them that they have a health issue because of their weight, just depends on their past and where they plan to go in the future.

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