Americans & Racism | Teen Ink

Americans & Racism

April 25, 2014
By Anonymous

Racism is a topic the United States is all too familiar with. It is covered up with shame and regret. Racism, however, hasn’t vanished. Whether people like to admit it or not, racism is happening all over the world. Racism is strongest when people of different races come into close contact with one another. In the United States this happens frequently. The United States is a melting pot of all different kinds of people. At some point, people of different races are bound to converge. This should not be a big deal, but racism still occurs more often than people think. Sadly, it is usually obscured. What people don’t realize is that this country was built like no other country. It was constructed upon the belief of freedom and equality for everyone. This means no one person or race is better than the other. Everyone has equal opportunities. That is why the United States is so awesome. The United States is a place everyone should feel safe and welcome. The more people are educated about racism, the less it will occur. This world would be a much better place without the superficial judgment of skin color.

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