Dear Whoever | Teen Ink

Dear Whoever

April 25, 2014
By Anonymous

Dear Whoever,

At some point early in your life talking becomes natural. The words you choose to convey a message tend to fall out without a second thought. Expressing yourself vocally can be casual but powerful. Today’s society has accepted so many vulgar words that have been integrated into our daily vocabulary. It’s disgusting. Terms that are often used to mock and chastise people because of their mental health, sexual orientation, or race should not be used lightly, if ever.

The words that seep from your mouth regardless of their intent can hurt. “Gay” and “retarded” aren't synonyms for stupid and shouldn’t be used that way. Your excuse that “It’s just a joke” isn't okay anymore. It isn’t funny. I cringe every time I hear the word “retard” coming from your mouth being used as a joke. It’s vile. A medical term that describes someone’s learning disabilities being used offensively is revolting. No one uses cancer as a joke; neither should someone’s mental health. It shows you lack the respect necessary to be a decent human being. Maybe it is just a word but you never know who will hear it, and who you will hurt.

I cannot fathom why someone would use the term “N****” so nonchalantly for comical relief. Such a derogatory word that harbors a painful past is now being used freely in music, social media, and conversations. I don't mean to try and forget the history of African American people in this country, but I don't feel they need to be reminded of it on twitter or the radio in such a negative, hateful way.

We are all created equal, and using negative slangs that oppress groups of people doesn’t reflect that. Broaden your options with a stronger and more intelligent vocabulary that consists of better adjective to suit your needs. Finding a less ignorant and more respectful way to express your feelings can help make the world a better place. A persons label can’t be your insult.

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