I Am Black and White | Teen Ink

I Am Black and White

May 4, 2014
By Anonymous

I am black and white. What is more striking to the human eye? "I am black" or "I am white". What is more appealing, more atrocious, more controversial, more wrong? What if I were to tell you I am not black, I am not white, I am not women, I am not man. I am a human.

Everyday in the news we witness something discriminating against blacks. I say "we" because you see it. Yes you do. But you may not acknowledge what you're seeing. "Black thief" "Black man murdered," or "Black killer,"… black, black, black. But if a white person did such a thing. It would be "Thief," "Man Murdered," "Killer.” There would be no emphasis on the race of a white person if he committed a crime. It would simply be done. But for some reason unexplained we must emphasize the wrongness of black person based on the pigments of there skin.

Why must we make a distinction of who is black, and who is white? We are human beings, all capable of the same wonderful deeds, and the same horrible atrocities. We are capable no matter what the color of our skin. Dare I tell you, if I'm black or white. Will you think more of these words if I'm white? What will you think if I'm black? Would you ignore the truth between the lines? The lines speak the truth, show the truth, they are the truth, they’re black and white.

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