Favoritism | Teen Ink


May 20, 2014
By jamster BRONZE, 46254, Indiana
jamster BRONZE, 46254, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“She gets special treatment” is a common phrase said among siblings in fact my sister Kelsey is the favorite and I feel like the unfavored child because we can’t bond as much as my mom and Kelsey do. Although some believe having a shining star or princess in the family is not a problem, guardians should not show favoritism because it affects sibling’s relationships and the emotional state of all children involved which causes a very non-friendly household. “This topic is a very relatable and has been drama in my family for (lovelife)ages!

Sibling relationships get affected by favoritism because the favored child is often disliked by the unfavored kid(s). Unfavored children ignore the favored golden child and they feel abandoned by not only their parents but their siblings also. A favored child gets so much attention it builds up anger and sadness in the unfavored child so they let it all out on the favored child making them both hate each other. “Favoritism, according to Irving Bieber, a clinical professor at the New York Medical College, adversely affects both the ignored child and the preferred child.”(Gomestic) “Parents are often unaware of favoring one child over the others but the effects can be detrimental to the less-than-favored child.” (Klein Schmidt)

“You love him more than me!” is a very common saying in a favoritism house hold. Favoritism really affects a child’s emotional state. An unfavored child rarely gets any tender loving care from their parents so they hold their emotions in they just turn into this rock and they don’t open up to anybody or have any feelings. Some children get real depressed and end up doing it to their own children and the cycle last a long time which really affects how people live life. Unfavored children get so upset and feel so abandoned that they take it out on anything and everything they see.

Some say favoritism doesn’t really occur children are all different & need to be treated differently. “No! Admitting to having a favorite kid isn't one of the biggest taboos in parenting. NOT admitting to having a favorite is! Denying what is true can be disturbing to everyone in the family, making everyone feel a little crazy and eroding healthy family relationships”(psychology today) that is very false! Every child has the same parents so why can’t the parents do the same thing with every child. For example if a child likes hockey and the parent that’s him or her to a hockey game then why can’t another child like alligators and take them to an alligator show? It doesn’t take much to show a child you care if you give one a hug you can give the other a hug it’s all about equality in a family or else it’s just sibling rivalry and sad children and parents clueless a child may be smaller and younger but they can have stress they can have feelings too and that they do. A study has shown that a mother rejects one child and favors one child. There’s absolutely no reason for a child to lie or feel that way.

Although parents claim they don’t show favoritism, it affects many families. Not only does favoritism make other children feel left out, it can also cause the other children to not like their sibling because children are left wondering if their a mistake or if they could turn into this person their not just to please their parents which they’ll get so used to that role when they grow up they’ll be that charter that doesn’t define them. I think parents should be equal with their children if one likes basketball and you take them to a basketball game you can take a child who likes ballet and take them to ballet class. (Kleinschmidt)

The author's comments:
i was insired to do this piece because my teacher Mrs.Shiveley always says write what you know iandive dealt with favortism all my life because i am a twin and theres always a favorite twin

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love u said...
on Dec. 10 2016 at 6:17 am
It's too much short and so many essays are like that
Otherwise it will fine thank u