Equality | Teen Ink


June 3, 2014
By Simone Allen BRONZE, Southlake, Texas
Simone Allen BRONZE, Southlake, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Throughout every day life we always encounter people who do not have the same exact opinions as us or share the same beliefs. One of the most controversial topics since the beginning of the country’s and even the world’s history is racism. I firmly believe that all of God’s people were created equal and deserve the same amount of respect. In one incident when I was young I had the opportunity to show a friend just how strongly I felt about racism.

At the age of 11, a friend and I were having fun on the playground and when she saw a man walk past and asked me if it was my dad. I replied yes and she said, “Black people are not supposed to marry white people.” Then I boldly said back, “My dad is not black and yes they are.” My dad is half Filipino so I can see why a young girl would confuse his race. My mom comes from an all white back round. Regardless, her rude comment came off as very offensive to me and I wanted to protect my dad. Even though her thought differed from mine it did not change how I felt about the situation in any way. Our country established equal rights for all men with the fifteenth amendment. In this century, there is still some segregation issues that linger today. I do not understand why someone could have something against another person just because they have different skin, looks, hair, religion, money, style, etc. It applies not only to racism but to all of the different things with which we may wrongly judge someone. It can be hard to be humble and easy to think we are better than others. If someone is different than you it does not mean you can not love them, be friends, be in a relationship, or married. There is no right or wrong way when deciding to whom you will marry. I love my family and just because my parents are different races does not mean we can not have as much happiness as an all white family, or all Asian family, or all black family, etc. I feel bad for the children who are influenced to think that all types of people cannot exist in harmony. If you do not like the same sports as someone should that mean you cannot be friends? What if you do not enjoy the same type of food? Race is no different. Also, if you have an opinion that will most likely offend others you should not say it in an arrogant way just in order to upset someone.

I enjoy a good debate and I used the opportunity I was given to try and open this girl’s eyes to how she might have a different opinion. No one should be judged on the color of their skin but by their character. I am proud of the mixed ethnicities in my DNA and would not consider myself different from anyone surrounding me. We are all entitled to our opinions but we should keep an open mind and treat people with the respect the deserve and how we would want to be treated in return.

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