Why Do I Need Feminism? | Teen Ink

Why Do I Need Feminism?

June 10, 2014
By lilfawngirl BRONZE, Holt, Michigan
lilfawngirl BRONZE, Holt, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i. because I spend hours thinking of what would be "safe" to wear
ii. because no matter how I dress, I'm still stuck with the fear of being attacked
iii. because I'm taught the way I dress causes rape, not rapists
iv. because I get told I have no self respect when I wear "revealing" clothing
v. because I'm taught to hold keys between my fingers when I walk alone
vi. because I'm tired of people telling me "I'm asking for it"

The author's comments:
Feminism has always been a very important topic to me, I believe strongly in equality and women's rights. I wrote this one night when the hashtag #YesAllWomen was trending on twitter. This hashtag had to do with the fact that there are always the people who will say "But not all men..." This hashtag shows that even though not all men will say or do something, yes, it affects all women.

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