Help! | Teen Ink


June 15, 2014
By Mtk33 BRONZE, Adelaide, Other
Mtk33 BRONZE, Adelaide, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“When you see a person who has been given more than you in money and beauty, then look to those who have been given less.”
Prophet Mohammed

Hello there,
To whoever is reading this message, I am writing this as a human first, a Muslim second and a Middle-Eastern-Iraqi third. I'm an 18 year old student living in South Australia. I moved to this beautiful country because I had no place to call "Home". Iraq is my home country and my family and I were forced to move due to our ethnic group difference.

I was on Facebook just now and I am sure you are aware of what is going on in the Middle East at the moment and especially Iraq. A new cult invaded the country in order to kill a certain group of people, and the reason is to keep the flames on.

This is the link for the video and as you can see it is not delightful, I am actually warning whoever is going to be viewing it to be strong and brave while watching because it is about actual people who are unlucky for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I only ask anyone who has enough courage in them to seek answers, help or refuge for those people.

Millions of people are dying in the East everyday and we are worried about who's winning the world cup or what Rihanna is wearing tomorrow. This is real life situations! When will we ever just STOP fighting or killing one another in order to gain power or wealth?

Haven't we learned from our previous mistakes? The Fuhrer Hitler fell, Achilles was defeated and Saddam Hussein was killed by his enemies eventually! This will lead to no good! We are losing lives in order for the ones who are in power to gain even more power! Who is responsible for all of this? Who is in control for all of this? Who is providing wars with money and weapons? It's sure as hell not me or you!! It's the people who are betting on who's going to lose or win as if it's a chess match, the only thing is, the bet is on actual lives of people who have family, friends, children, parents, wives, husband and a God who is watching everything?

Why are we expecting help from God when we are not helping ourselves in the first place? If we stop saying I for one day and think about someone else's needs, we can change the world!
If we can hold hand by hand and stand against those who are in control of us, we can make a brighter day!

If we can start loving one another like Jesus loved Mary and Mohammed loved Ali, NO ONE, exactly, no one can stop our mission!

I am only asking for someone, just someone somewhere to take a look and listen for those who have no voice! I am one of the millions of the people who had no voice before and now I do and I am planning to use mine in order to say what the ones who are unable to say.

Please, for the name of God, Mohammed, Jesus and whoever you believe in, please, ask for help. Those are people who have a friend just like you do. A parent, just like you do. A neighbour, just like you do. Imagine losing one of your loved ones to such horrible actions and terror!
Those people are not Muslims. No Muslim would hurt another person who did them no harm! Please do not judge the whole religion or the East because someone called himself a "Muslim" took terrible actions toward another nation.

Help me to deliver this message to people who are able to help me and maybe stop this! I do believe that one single person can make a difference and this might be just the start for that new era!

So please, help.

The author's comments:
Trying to tell people facts about the world

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 7 2014 at 5:13 pm
Anon.Writer SILVER, Loveland, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 16 comments
I am sorry about what is happening over there. This is a problem that people know exist, but they ignore it. They don't know how to help, so the just say it is a shame and move on. If you know of any organization that is trying to help with the situation over there, please let me know.