What I Think About Society | Teen Ink

What I Think About Society

June 15, 2014
By Peyton12298 BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
Peyton12298 BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Society is very sad and very confusing. Parents sit there and judge there kids about things that we do now a days. They act as if there never were a teen.They act like they didn't make the same mistakes as use. Parents always think that they support us but they truly never do. They like to tell themselves they did when we finally make something out of ourselves. They always tell kids that we have to work hard in school but at the same time we all hate school but we shouldn't hate our education. School to me is pointless. School is nothing but teachers sitting kids down and drilling things in our heads that we will never use again. Why not let us pick what we want to learn and what will be best for our futures. Teachers give students tests to see what we have leaned. That's judging us on how well we learned this information in a small amount of time. I know there has been plenty of times where I finish a test and than remember the answer a few minutes later and because of that I fail a test or get a low grade. Does that mean I'm stupid? No it doesn't. Tests our pointless. School is pointless but your education is very important. You can never get it right with society. Society tells you have to go to a good school and looks down on teens getting pregnant. The same society that says girls are beautiful not matter what but than they put models on pictures that are half photoshopped and have fake everything. The same society where people tell other people to kill themselves but when they do the people say they feel bad and say they miss that person. Every time I see something about people cutting themselves or wanting to commit suicide I always message them or leave a comment and tell them don't but than there are people that put things on the same post and tell them to do it and find it funny. People see that as a joke but it's not. It's a call for help so I always try to be that one person that stops them instead of being that one person that makes them.Society all together is just messed up. It says that girls aren't beautiful unless they have make up on and are skinny and have big breasts. At the same time there's nothing guys have to do. There's no standards guys have to met. There are people that are starving and people that are homeless that have nothing.There's people in Africa that have nothing but people try to help them but don't have enough money to help them. I feel like at this point money shouldn't matter. Everyone should agree that money doesn't matter if it's helping someone that really needs it but people are money hungry. All people care about is money. I'm really sad what society really is. Society is sad. There are people that hate each other because of something different. There's people that are racist. They see it that they are better than someone because someone skin is a different color. That doesn't mean they are different. There are people that hate people because they are gay. They are the same as you. Everyone is equal. Everyone on this earth is equal. I'm no different from anyone and no one is different from me. We all deserve a chance. I want society to change. My version of the perfect society is where there are no countries. There's no wars. No religion. No hate. Nothing to fight over. Just everyone on earth living together peacefully. I know that it won't happen in a few days or months or even years. It may not ever happen in my lifetime. I just hope one day society will become this

The author's comments:
I hope people will start trying to make a better society

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on Jul. 7 2014 at 5:18 pm
Anon.Writer SILVER, Loveland, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 16 comments
I agree with what you are saying. I have been blessed to be homeschooled my entire life, which allows me to be responsible for my education. But I also watch what is going on in the school systems. I think that guys do have standards to meet. Guys 'need' to work out, among many other things. But they are peer pressured into a lot of other things. Girls tell them to 'man up' and other cruel things. While it is fairly okay for a girl to be single, for a guy it is a much bigger deal. Both genders suffer together. But over all I think you are right.