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Free at Last

November 30, 2014
By Anonymous

The "I Have a Dream" speech has so many meanings that one man himself can not point out. With the struggles that the common man faced,one man took a stand. With thousands of peoplewho followed behind him, he paved the way for those of color today. Showing tha you can make a stand wihtout violence was a outstanding concept. his courage to prove that if we stand together a difference will come, and we will live in freedom one day, was MArtin Luther King Jr.

African Americans along with other races, where judged and treatd poorly becasueof the color of their skin. No one was able to drink out of the same fountains, or go to the same school of those who were of a different race. Lives were takne, and people were put behind bars, for standing up for their rights as a human being.


When we come togther as a whole, we can make a difference. Martin Luther King jr. led the march on Washington, where people of all races and ethnic groups, stood together as one, and came togther as a brotherhood. The speech cam beforethe march, adn acknowledge the up-bringing and struggles of those who were different. The struggles, differrences, and color of their skin, was put aside, and people did what they felt was right.


Today, we live in a free country. We are able to achieve the things that those who lived before us could not. We have learned that violence is not the answer, and uniting as one, will  bring justice. Those who marched and those who stood behind Martin Luther King Jr. paved the way for people of all colors today. We have combined schools with much diversity amoung them. WE drink from the same water fountains. Adn we do not judge by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.


In conclusion, we can learn a lot of things from Mr. King. Life may not be as it is today if it was not for him and those who united with him. Living freely was the goal, and it has been succeeded. A dream is not a dream without the work of those who have the same dream. Without equality there would be no freedom today. Without unity we would not live in the world we live in today. And we can thank Martin Luther King Jr. and the man above for that.

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