Do you think what dress code is sexist | Teen Ink

Do you think what dress code is sexist

February 13, 2015
By Anonymous

Picture this a bunch of girls, who have they’re faced covered and skin hidden, that’s not showing who a real girl is, now imagine a school where boys have their pants sagged and and girls have on pants in the summer, why pants; because known of the other clothes they have fit dress code. Teachers and principals say be yourself with what you wear, when you can’t wear what you like. You might wonder if others had this experience, and they do all across the worlds in schools, where guys don’t have much of a dress code to follow, but girls they basically tell you what to wear when teachers themselves don’t follow it. Some say that dress code is very sexist, a lot of girl rebel and protest against dress code, because it’s unfair and sweltering. In June of 2014 a bunch of girls were put against the lockers at Marlborough Whitcomb school, they were told to put their hands by their side to measure they’re shorts. It was gross to watch, they might not be following dress code, but the teacher told them loud and clear to get against the locker like they were animals. But yet guys still would sag their pants and no one would tell them to pull up their pants.
Why do girls have to change what they wear because of a male? They should be able to control themselves. At some schools not just shorts, but leggings and skinny jeans girls are banned from wearing, girls are protecting and speaking out for trying to be treated unfair, we shouldn’t dress yourself depending on how guys see us, so why dress up or dress down so a guy doesn’t get distracted. Girls feel that it is sexist, it is “Slut Shaming” and girls should act and dress according to norms to social and sexual propriety, people rebel against dress code calling it unfair and sweltering when its too hot and they wear shorts they think its sexist because only the girls get in trouble for wearing it. “Cecilia D’Anastasio at The Nation did a roundup of student protests against “sexist dress codes”Aug. 27.”
A lot of local girls think so too, Krista was interviewed and asked a series of question, and she feels that girls get punished much more than guys. But it’s not just her I also interviewed teachers, and they both said that no one actually follows these rules, and no one enforces them either. Some males at Whitcomb feel everyone is we all wear around the same thing, but how is that if girls wear shorts and guys don’t? Or how guys sag their pants and females don’t do that. But yet they also think that girls have more of an effect on what they wear. So is dress code restraining what girls do wear? Is it sexist, I mean we arent really wearing the same clothes like some students and teachers think. Some teachers don’t care, or do care when they’re clothes are bad as well. In 7th grade, a teachers was wearing a really short skirt, and the students asked her if it passed dress code, and it didn’t. The next day a bunch of girls wore shorts that were too short. Shouldn’t teachers set a good example for students? Shouldn’t teachers have a dress code to then, to show kids what’s right. More rules are intended to girl because a male wouldn’t wear skirts, shorts, or dresses.
If parents buy clothes for their child, shouldn’t the child be able to wear those clothes and not be told to change? It’s the parents money not schools. Some schools mess up yearbooks to make this happen, when the child wanted the picture like that for a reason. “In May, students at a Utah high school opened their yearbooks to discover digitally raised necklines and sleeves added to female classmates’ shirts.”  Notice how it was only done to the female and not the male? This is how someone wants to look in a yearbook they’ll have for the rest of their life.Girls are singled out at schools if they ample hips or breasts when men should and can control themselves. Jo Paoletti states “Sex and Unisex: Fashion, Feminism and the Sexual Revolution,” Girls think that they can wear what they want but boys need to not look and don't have to. Girls have more insecurities than males, then don’t follow dress code because they think they need beauty tricks. “elling girls to “cover up” just as puberty hits teaches them that their bodies are inappropriate, dangerous, violable, subject to constant scrutiny and judgment, including by the adults they trust.”
In conclusion, dress code is mostly sexist to females because they feel they can’t wear what they want because of a male, and that teachers feel that it is either uncomfortable or that it is not enforced by staff, a male feels that it isn’t sextist but they also feel most girls have more restrictions, so it’s your call, do you think that dress code is sexist?  That dress code is another way to cover up a womans face and their skin. That’s not showing who a real girl is

The author's comments:

I am a female who believe's dress code is sexist. 

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