Should gay marriage be legal in the US? | Teen Ink

Should gay marriage be legal in the US?

February 16, 2015
By goalkeeper262 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
goalkeeper262 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday.

Imagine if you couldn’t marry the person you love? How would that make you feel? This has been a problem for a while now, it’s not new at all. Gay marriage is being discussed throughout congress. Some say that all people should have equal marriage rights and that anybody can love who they want to love. Others say that it’s a sin to marry someone of the same-sex. This is affecting millions of Americans. Even though gay marriage is a sin of god it does have many, many benefits. Gay Marriage should be legal in the US because they make good parents, they have shown that they are financially stable and help the economy grow, and marriage isn’t only to just have kids.

While many people argue that gay marriage is wrong, one reason gay marriage is right is that they make great parents. According to , “A June 2014 peer-reviewed University of Melbourne study showed that children raised by same-sex parents score about 6% higher than the general population on measures of general health. A study published in Pediatrics on June 7, 2010 found that children of lesbian mothers were rated higher than children of heterosexual parents in social and academic competence and had fewer social problems.” This article came from a very reliable source that gets all it’s information from surveys and data collections down by the government. Some people say that kids aren't properly parented when there are same-sex parents. But, this statistic shows that all these kids are ranked higher in health tests than kids who have heterosexual parents.


Statistics don’t always tell the correct story of same-sex couples. The people who experience these troubles do.  , talked about a real world story about a partnership with a girl that was adopted, “Andrew Bond has no parental rights. "When push comes to shove, I can't say I'm your father," Bond said of his relationship with his daughter. “I can pretend in the house, I can pretend when we're out." This powerful statement hurts this family day in and day out. If this was my family, I would have a powerful mind set and make sure that everyone around me knows that these two guys are my dads, whether you like it or not. Now we need to consider this, what if this was your family and you couldn't express that your child is your child? This is just one reason on how this can hurt the families.

    “Gay marriages can bring financial gain to federal, state, and local governments and can help boost the economy.” This is another reason why same-sex couples should be able to marry. According to , “In July 2012 New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that gay marriage had contributed $259 million to the city's economy since the practice became legal there in July 2011.   In 2012, the Williams Institute at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) found that in the first five years after Massachusetts legalized gay marriage in 2004, same-sex wedding expenditures (such as venue rental, wedding cakes, etc.) added $111 million to the state's economy.” I continue to use this as a reliable source because of it’s abundance of evidence. Some people might say that gay couples are not financially stable and they don’t help the economy grow. But this statistic proves that these same-sex couples are generally making lots of money.

  “Marriage is not only for procreation, otherwise infertile couples or couples not wishing to have children would be prevented from marrying.”  Procreation otherwise stated as having children isn’t the only reason couples get married. According to, “From 1970 through 2012 roughly 30% of all US households were married couples without children, and in 2012, married couples without children outnumbered married couples with children by 9%. In a 2010 Pew Research Center survey, both married and unmarried people rated love, commitment, and companionship higher than having children as "very important" reasons to get married, and only 44% of unmarried people and 59% of married people rated having children as a very important reason.” This statistic obviously shows that marriage isn’t only to just have kids, so the people who are arguing that our population rate will go down because of this need to check out this statistic.

From the large abundance of evidence that I have collected: same-sex couples should be able to marry. About 9 million people are a part of the LGBT community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender). Whether if you know it or not you’re being affected by this argument. As Americans, we can help. Next time you talk to, look at, and or talk about these people, make sure it’s kind things. If we as Americans always treat these people equal, then the lawmakers might rethink their decisions. Get out there and support this community.

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