Racial Profiling | Teen Ink

Racial Profiling

February 16, 2015
By Nick Catalano BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
Nick Catalano BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is a heating topic in our country right now. That is if racial profiling is bad for society?  Yes, racial profiling is very bad. Acording to http://www.brennancenter.org approximately 70% of drug users are white and and only 15% are African American.  240 years of slavery and 90 years of segregation,has lead to cops racial profiling.  For imprisonment drug charges 26% are white and 45% are African American.  Some people think that racially profiling is the right thing to do because so many African American people have gotten in trouble, so people think that all African American people are the same.  Everyone is different, and the color of someone’s skin should not play a part in their decision.  Between January 2004 and June 2012, the NYPD conducted more than 4.4 million stops; of those stopped, 88% were completely innocent.  One half of the people pulled over were African American and they only make of ¼ of the population in the city’s.

In 1995-1997, 73% of suspects who were pulled over were African American according to http://www.ohrc.on..  Most people say that African American people are no more likely to have drugs or any illegal items than anyone else, but it would seem that cops think about that differently.  Racial profiling is a lot more than a hassle or an annoyance to those who get racially profiled.  How would you likes to be treated differently just because of your race, I bet that you wouldn’t like it.  After all that time of having segregation in this country, we still have racism is America.  According to http://english105-fashionista510.blogspot.com estimated in America there are still 751 active hate groups that are based on racism, sexual orientation, etc. 

A white cop strangled an African American man to death only because he was selling illegal cigarettes.  There was no need to kill that man, and I bet that cop wouldn’t have done the same thing as he did to a white man.  African American people got into the most trouble in 2013 and the police are being still being racist in 2015.  Being racist is not a good thing in any way.  It is ridiculous to think on how racist some people can be.  If I was being racist and putting people down I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.   It is unfair to be treated badly because of something that you can’t choose.  You can’t just change your original race and try to be something different. Racial profiling is a form of racism and our country should not have any racism at all.  We have to end this.

Some people in the world think racial profiling it is the right thing to do because they think that African American people can be dangerous.  Well other people can be just as dangerous.  For example, Jeffrey Dahmer was a guy who you would think would be a super nice guy and acted like a great guy, but he happened to be one of the craziest and most dangerous person of all time in American history.  He was the Milwaukee cannibal, killer, sex offender, and a lot of other really bad things.  That is a perfect example of a great reason why racial profiling does not work. 

In conclusion racial profiling should no longerf be a problem in our society, but it is.  Nobody should have to feel bad about themselves because of their race.  They can’t help how they look, or how they talk.  Why would you want to put people down for something that they can’t control?  That is why we the American people need to end this now.  We don’t want any racism in our country, but we have lots of it.  That can be changed.  Take a stand today and help me and many other people end this for our country.

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