American Dream | Teen Ink

American Dream

November 5, 2015
By brewfan245 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
brewfan245 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The American dream  involves everyone having the equal opportunity to reach success in life through hard work, determination, and perseverance. To be an American,  we the people are entitled to peace, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. All of these traits are represented by the American Flag.


Our country has many freedoms that other countries don't have. An American is a person who is loyal towards their country, works hard and is provided with the freedom America offers. As an American one has free range on whatever decision you want to do with your life (within the ramifications of the law), and have the will to do it. The Statue of Liberty is the first landmark immigrants or anyone entering our country sees. It symbolizes peace, liberty, and unity.

Every American has a dream. Every person on this earth leads a different life and has certain roles with different responsibilities. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, you still have to support for yourself and make sure you make the best of your life. Everyone has different ideals for what the American dream is to them. Someone could think the American dream is to have a house, family, wealth, etc. While others who are  less fortunate could dream about having enough food, or money to support their family. The basics are all the same, but what's different is what each of us want in life, and how badly we want it. The American Flag means to me the freedoms and history america has bestowed on each and everyone of us. I couldn't be more proud to live in such a nation, and am grateful for my friends and family.

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