Finding Yourslef | Teen Ink

Finding Yourslef

November 17, 2015
By Anonymous

Have you ever felt the need to find yourself? Making yourself proud for what you done and seeking the tension you always wanted. It’s like you find your happy place and you just want to stay there forever. That was me when I found my happy place in this world but there something that made it hard to go back.

First, let me tell you about a time where I thought I can make my world to a reality!  It all started on trying to bring people happy and make them feel how their still nice people in the world. People make other people think that there better other people. It makes you think who people really are in the real humans are. I think that everyone should have a right to be who they are and express what they feel about how they are in the world. People should be just express themselves for being what they are and how they show their emotions.

I learned that everything happens for a reason. There’s always that one person that they have no emotion in them that they just normal. Everyone is different in their own way because who wants people to just be plain and not have no fun in anything. Look at yourself and tell the world that you’re amazing in your way in life. If you feel like that then express and you’ll see how people are just like you. So today, I want to go somewhere you’re in peace and tell the world that I love myself and no can change me for me. It change me and I feel better for telling the world I’m amazing how I really am. Just the way I am!

The author's comments:

Its finding yourself in the world and seeing how you mean so much.

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