A Formal Apology to #meninist | Teen Ink

A Formal Apology to #meninist

December 8, 2015
By Anonymous

"Feminism is so annoying! Why can't we men fight for our equal rights, too?"

As a female, I would like to firstly and personally apoligize that you feel the advocation of women's rights in equivalency to those of men's is unfair to you. I'm sorry that you must fight so hard to prove that you, too, belong in this elite club titled "opression." (You don't want to miss out- I totally get it!) I'm sorry you feel that feminism is such a threat to your masculinity that you must make a mockery of it...("Meninist?" Really?) I'm sorry people refuse to address that you, a man, are just as underpriveleged as a women.


Poor you.


I'm sorry. (Really, I am.)

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