How Can Inequality Still Exist? | Teen Ink

How Can Inequality Still Exist?

February 24, 2016
By bsumantb BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
bsumantb BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a world where so much diversity exists, is there any space for inequality? Take homosexuality, for example. Homosexuality has been a feature of human culture since early history. Over the course of the twentieth century, society began to discuss the matter of homosexuality after the modern gay rights movement. People once thought of homosexuality as a mental illness that could be cured.

Recently, the LGBT rights movement secured LGBT rights for every homosexual or transgender person in America. But why did it take so long? Why did it take so much time for them to be accepted if they even are accepted right now. Are “different” people accepted right now?

Another type of “different” people are dark skinned people. In the 1940s, an organization called the Congress of Racial Equality was formed. This group led many initiatives that were aimed toward gaining equal rights. Decades later, slavery was outlawed. Several laws were placed in order to stop trafficking and discrimination. These people  were given voting rights years later. President Barack Obama was elected President in 2009. The question rises again, why did it take so long for dark skinned people to be accepted in some form if they were on this planet the same time as whites?

Muslims are also another group that is discriminated against. They are not accepted and many have been accused of being terrorists, especially since  the tragic events of 9/11. Why do they deserve such discrimination for a few violent people deciding to terrorize people? Why do they deserve such discrimination for believing in what they do?

Why is anybody discriminated against? Isn’t part of the reason America was founded the protection of individual rights and freedom and liberty and justice for all? Doesn’t the American pledge say “... one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all…?” Shouldn’t we, as human beings, be involved in the idea of supporting rights and equality for LGBT, dark-skinned, Muslim or any discriminated group because they are one of us no matter what they believe?

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