Redskins: Should The Name Change? | Teen Ink

Redskins: Should The Name Change?

March 9, 2016
By asz21 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
asz21 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Washington Redskins, a proud team of the NFL, but are they something to be proud of? For many decades the team has been named the Redskins, which is another term for Native American, but is this term really respectful? The term is offensive and disrespectful to Native Americans.

First and foremost, hundreds of thousands of people and organizations everywhere are insisting that they change the name. President Barack Obama states that the name should be changed. Former Redskin Champ Bailey states that the name should be changed and “is almost like the n word for a black person.” The US Trademark and Patent office cancelled the Redskins trademark registration, stating that the name and logo were disparaging. So why don’t they change the name?

The owner of the Redskins Daniel Snyder, states that he will NEVER change the name. He even asked to put the never in caps! Why is he so content on keeping a racist and disrespectful name for Native Americans. Although some believe that the name is not disrespectful and shows honor and pride, many believe that the name is disrespectful. So if a large amount do think it is racist, then why is it still around?

The International Rodeo Finals were paid to advertise the Redskins, after doing so for one event they wrote this letter to the Redskins: "After much soul searching, we have decided that we cannot in good conscience accept resources from you on the terms you have offered, no matter how desperately we need it," Bo Vocu, the organization's vice president, wrote. "That is because, as you know, the resources you are offering are not truly philanthropic -- they come with the expectation that we will support the racial slur that continues to promote your associated professional football team's name." This is not unheard of, in fact many organizations are refusing to accept donations from the Redskins and entire organizations have been created to stop the team from using this racist slur.

Overall, the way to end this conflict once and for all is to do a federal vote. Yes or No, do you think the Redskins name should change? It would be as simple as that. If no wins, the Redskins can retain their name and would not have to be pushed one way or another. If yes wins, then the Redskins should get a new name.

The author's comments:

This article is entirely about if the Redskins should change their name because some consider it to be a racial slur

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