Educating Students in Schools About LGBT+ | Teen Ink

Educating Students in Schools About LGBT+

March 9, 2016
By Anonymous

Schools should be educating students from middle school to highschool about the LGBT+ community. This is because there is too much discrimination in the world directed toward humans of the LGBT+ community. Even as adults, many people discriminate others because they’re “different” or do something “different” than what they’re used to. As children we’re all taught the “golden rule” and that rule is to treat others how you want to be treated, yet people are still treating LGBT people very harshly, and unfortunately, but sometimes harmfully.

This should be educated in schools more because it’ll make people think twice before they go around discriminating or bullying others for their sexual orientation or gender identity. If this were to be taught, middle school would be an appropriate age group to begin at because it’s around that time that kids start to fall into groups they may not feel happy in, feel afraid to be themselves, and are try to find who they really are, so it would open their minds more to the fact that discriminating others is very wrong. And that if their sexuality isn’t straight (heterosexual) that it’s okay and they should not be afraid to be who they are.

With schools teaching this, I also believe that since the students would be getting a good background on the different sexualities and gender identities that they’d be more open to those people and it would decrease the amount of discrimination in the world for future generations; to create a better society.

In twenty seven to twentyeight states, while it’s legal to be married to someone of the same sex, you can still get fired from your job, with eductating students in schools about this the future could brighten up, and in zero states would it be legal to fire someone for their gender identity and sexual orientation in future generations.

From another understanding, it has been quite proven that most people who believe LGBT+ is very wrong are infact Christians. Many people say gay marriage is very wrong because the bible says so, while many others will argue that being LGBT+ is not a choice and that the bible is wrong. If Christians believe that gay marriage is wrong just because it says so in the book, wouldn’t they obey and follow the rest of the bible? Such as; Eating pork, having tears in your clothing, getting a tattoo, getting remarried after a divorce, gossiping, bingeing, women speaking in a church, wearing anything clothing with fabric blends, eating assorted seafood, working on a Saturday, etc; So why is gay marriage treated like murder when a Christian wouldn’t discriminate someone for eating pork at a public restaurant?

With the teaching of the LGBT+ community, there would be conflicts, but wouldn’t people want equality? When they began to movement to allow children “of color” to begin going to an all white school, there was lots of hate and discrimination, but they won equality, so wouldn’t we want to become a less hateful world and have equality for all?

Some people will also argue with the fact that the subject might be too small to educate students about, but if you look at the picture it could be taught all year round. There are many things to educate the students about such as the history of the LGBT+ community, the first gay person, the many different sexualities other than gay, lesbian, bisexual, heterosexual, etc; The pride flags, the pride colors, the different gender identities other than male and female, and many more things they should learn.

In conclusion, educating students in school is important and should be done for the sake of our future generation.

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My piece is about educating students in schools about the LGBT+ community.

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