The Naked Diaries, A Body Positive Movement | Teen Ink

The Naked Diaries, A Body Positive Movement

March 31, 2016
By baybita BRONZE, Houston, Texas
baybita BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Beauty. Beauty is what all women want to have. Everyone believes in the beauty most seen. The one that stands in the cover of magazines. The one that proudly walks down the runway. The one that is “ appropriate”. Since when did beauty have its boundaries? Of what's acceptable and what's not? BEAUTY ALSO is the imperfect skin. The over exposed freckles. The belly rolls, and the gap that divides a smile. Thats beauty. That's all beauty.

Because of this, BODY POSITIVITY is beginning to show, exposing all the flawed beauty that has been neglected by the people.  Body Positivity is accepting your body and all that comes with it as it is, and also accepting the bodies of others. The media has surely catched up to this movement!

Instagram is a worldwide social network that allows people to share pictures and videos with friends, family, and even strangers! And since instagram is well known, Body Positive pages have been created by many people. One of the accounts made that demonstrates what body positivity is about is called”The Nakediaries “. This account, run by Taylor Giavasis, has about 90.8k followers and over 606 submissions of women showing something that they have always disliked or are trying to embrace. This page inspires the women and even the ones that just look at the pictures to gain confidence and know that they are not alone.This page has shown many different types of flaws. It has shown curves, medical conditions, stretch marks and everything that people have trouble loving. Many of the women also send out the story behind their picture while others stay anonymous. One of the captions stood out to me. The picture is a women posing sideways , in dim lighting in front of a blind covered window. The caption says”Hello, I extremely respect what you are doing with your Instagram account! Earth can be an incredibly negative place, especially for girls lately, and the confidence and positivity you are spreading with this page is admirable. Here is my photo, and my caption submission is as follows:"The circulation of confidence is worth more than the circulation of money" - James Madison. This founding father may not have been talking about body confidence, but the quote proves to be timeless, and applies very aptly to the body positivity movement. I feel every day that I grow richer as I learn to love my skin and my curves, even through imperfections and periods of insecurity." This clearly defines how much of an impact @thenakediaries has had in this person. This also reflects on the people that have viewed this. Many people leave their comments which are mostly positive! This comment, left by a woman named Brianna says “ I can't get over how this page makes me have such overwhelming confidence! Most of us women are so hard on ourselves; having to deal with being judged by others and then worse, we judge ourselves, too. I can't thank you enough for this page. It makes me feel like I'm not alone with feeling uncomfortable with my body more times than not. We should all try so hard to remember how beautiful and unique we are. “ And, she’s right!

Body positivity is at its climax, and women are coming together in this amazing project/ page. May these social pages help modeling industries know that all women are beautifully flawed and remarkably unique!

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