Hellenismos: Hear Us Out | Teen Ink

Hellenismos: Hear Us Out

April 22, 2016
By Amarantos.Writes BRONZE, O\\\'Fallon, Missouri
Amarantos.Writes BRONZE, O\\\'Fallon, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Share what you know" - Delphic Maxim

Hellenic Polytheism is a vibrant religion full of love, laughter, and piety. For many, this Greek religion brings to mind images of detailed statues, the Delphic Oracle, and massive temple-ruins. Among your friends and family, you probably wouldn’t expect to find someone worshiping the Ancient Gods of mythology, but upon taking a closer look, you may find there are a few more Hellenic Polytheists in your circles.

Can you imagine Zeus, the great King of Olympos, being honoured today? It may seem shocking to be told there are indeed people who revere and pray to him (alongside his other siblings and immortal companions), but it’s true. Hundreds of people are reconstructing the traditional religion of Ancient Hellas. They spend countless hours studying and researching the ways offerings and prayers were given, and create more modern and socially constructed options. In the world where temples were gleaming and processions were many, Hellenic Polytheists would burn or bury their offerings. These offerings were typically things like cattle or wine. Nowadays though, worshipers give offerings in any way they can, and offer up their favourite dishes. Animal sacrifices are not present in modern offerings, so there’s no need to worry that your cat will disappear one day. In fact, many of them give up animal crackers as votive offerings, subtle little gifts. 

Like other religions, Hellenic Polytheists face discrimination. They’re seen as weird, and are often estranged from their friends and family. They are unfairly judged and shunned, despite their normality and ability to function in society. Some Hellenic Polytheists veil- cover their hair for a variety of reasons- which puts them even further at the hands of harassers. No one should be put down or disliked because of their religious beliefs and practices.
They are not out to convert your children or pull them into a cult. If anything, Hellenists are more likely to understand and accept someone’s choice in faith (or a lack thereof) than other groups.  A majority of these believers come from a different religious background, some with good and some with bad experiences. Each person has experienced their gods and faith differently, and although they may wish others could feel the same love and grace that they have had a chance to encounter, they are not actively seeking out new worshipers.

These wonderful people, like each person on this Earth, wish only to be accepted and understood. Hellenic Polytheism is a very small religion, but it is growing. The community comes together mainly online and through small celebrations they plan and actively use to connect better to one another and their gods. When it comes down to the facts, it only makes sense to cherish and respect them. They spend so much of their time meticulously searching for information, and their passion is admirable. This is a letter to the world talking not only to those who are intolerant of Hellenismos and its members, but also to open people who can help make this Earth better for an extensive list of other religions.


The author's comments:

Im hoping to get this pout to as many people as possible. It's near and dear to my heart, and I think if more people understood the religion they'd be less likely to hate me and others for it.  

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