Pride | Teen Ink


May 14, 2016
By Shadowgamer7_YT SILVER, Brockton, Massachusetts
Shadowgamer7_YT SILVER, Brockton, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"don't give up on your dream doesn't matter what it is..."

When someone wants you to end someone's life They don't really have Pride They always paying others to Invade their lives and great power of their Pride. When I see kids don't got Pride with soul and heart , They always saying "I'll ride and die with you" that's not Pride. So much Ignorant , Disrespectful , hypical , blacks and whites or Asians doesn't matter what color you are you are what you are I hear Rappers these days saying "I get money , girls and guns for the haters" like really these rappers aren't saying nothing about their Pride They talk about what they have , talk about your Pride for once they are getting corrupted with Money , girls , guns their Pride is getting corrupted with fake Paradise of money and disrespecting girls that shouldn't let men treat talk about them like that some people are dishonorable If your devious your very skillful and you got so much power of your Pride. The Government is being unfair and sinful They don't show the whole story to the world only half to make you believe what is not really true about people , always have your Pride and don't corrupt your soul and Pride you will be invaded and be a sinful , evil person in the world.

The author's comments:

A person named malik inspired me to right he's a very good poet kid he's amazing at being a friend and tells the truth about people and the world

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