Open Your Eyes | Teen Ink

Open Your Eyes

May 9, 2016
By Anonymous

When you look at the world, do you see the issues or just the world around you? The world we live in isn’t what we think. People take social media over family, drugs over love and give up hope just because people judge them. I guess not everyone has the will to open their eyes. I’ve seen kids take drugs over spending last days with who loves them the most. They steal from them, disrespect them. We forget the purpose and instead dwell on what we purchase. We take from each other, stab and rape one another. Judge everyone because their white or of color. Honestly i'm a tad disappointed in the new generation.

If we take a minute and look at the world we see that it's like a maze with no direction. Were all just trying to find our way out. Hate is a disease and everyone is starting to become infected. All the good we can do to change the world and walk right by it, how blind can we be.  Everyone has good in them you just have to dig deep to find it. I know it’s a chance to step up but the courage we hold comes from one good heart. God won’t let you disregard that we can change the world with one amazing step at a time.

When you wake up and see kids crying with no food to go to school with, seeing innocent girls beat and raped in times when they thought they were always safe, gang uprises just because of colored. Do you see the issues we now face? We can fix them it just takes time but in a short time we can make the world good again. No more rape , no more bullying, no more death. So today tell your mom how much you love her, help those kids struggling on the streets, and give to those people in need. Put down your phone, look at the world as it looks at you. See the hope that is hidden behind the pain. Someday we can fix the humanity we once lost.

So if you think that your unloved, hopeless, lost take a look in the mirror and see past your flaws and see the hope for change that you could lay out. Believe it or not the first people who will try and crush your dreams are the ones close to you. What has made the people who have made a huge change is those who came from the worst lives. Full of people who mistreated them, hurt them and said they couldn’t make a change. Without hope what would we do? Let the world fall apart? Let kids go hungry, take away help to those who think they don't have a purpose to be here. Those parents who push so hard to save their child but have no money to even feed them. Will we let life as we know it fall apart or will you help stop it. You are a hero to someone. No matter how far or how close. You are a change to someone or something. The future of our lives and the world is in our hands. What this world will create for our children depends on what we choose to do with it.
I know we can't do everything to help change the world, but why not try? Why not do at least 1 good deed to make things a little better. A simple thing as to making someone who is having a bad day smile can make all the difference to someone’s life who isn't’ as lucky in life as others. She may be homeless, starving, abused, or just heartbroken. No matter what the issue in someone's life we can always make it better just by digging deep to pull out a little hope for that person. Even the change of outlook on one person can make the world a little greater.

I’ve been alive 18 years. In just 18 years in this world i have seen rape, abuse, violence, hate, illness, judgement. All things no child should have to see. No one should see the world as just that. If we can make that go away, why not try. Maybe if all of us stood up against the things that make the world terrifying just maybe things will be re created in a better way. Today when you wake up look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're going to do something to help someone.

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