A Letter To My Ex | Teen Ink

A Letter To My Ex

December 7, 2018
By AthenaHudson BRONZE, Hemet, California
AthenaHudson BRONZE, Hemet, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Cover your flaws with sauce"

Dear my EX,

I am writing this letter to you to let you know that I no longer want to continue this relationship. We have been off and on and it has really taken a toll on me. Especially my hair. I always knew that I could never truly be comfortable with you, and maybe that’s one of the reasons I am writing this letter to you now. Even though I am ending the bond we had, I won’t deny that we shared good times. We used to spend every holiday together and every time I brought a “gift” you gave me to school I was treated like gold. I have to admit I loved feeling “pretty”, but that only made me think I wasn’t without you. I’m sure you are currently sobbing over my writing because I am crumbling your heart, but don’t be too hurt. I don’t want to end things horribly. I respect you and your choices, but you never respected mine. To be honest, you don’t deserve this letter or an explanation at all because you definitely know what you do to people like me. People who believed your lies at first. However, I will end this relationship with undeniable eloquence. It was a long journey to tell you my true feelings, so I hope you’re proud of me. Proud that I stopped lying to myself. Proud that I really know how much I was worth without your validation. This break up was not completely your fault and I don’t want you to blame yourself, well at least not completely. Of course, I can’t let you take all the credit for my victory. I should tell you when I started questioning our (now former) relationship.

It all began on the day I was most insecure. I thought you would help, but you only enhanced my weaknesses. You stacked on more insecurities. I know appearance shouldn’t matter, but it does in relation to confidence. I lacked confidence and of course, you knew that because you thought you could fix it. I really did appreciate what you called “effort”. But what you called effort was really you calling me ugly. I was so ugly to you that it took an effort to “fix me”. That was the first time that I realized I didn’t need you. That week was the roughest week of what once was a relationship.  I felt vulnerable. I felt exposed and I was uncomfortable. I won’t lie though, you did make my life easier sometimes. I know now that easier doesn’t equal better. It is not even close. I remember when I took that one long and thoughtful shower. I was washing you away. Washing all my thoughts that wanted to defend you. I know you will seek other girls and I know some of them will look past your faults and decide you are better. I respect those girls. I hope that they are stronger than me and gain dominance against you. It is almost time for me to end this masterpiece, but I have one last story to tell. I remember when my mom introduced me to you. I remember when you were my best friend in elementary and then you became a part of me the older I got. I do not regret what we once had because through this break up I learned so much more about myself than I would have ever discovered on my own. So I guess from that perspective you helped me. You helped me feel comfortable in my own skin. I no longer need the validation of other people. I no longer need you to hide my culture. I no longer need you to come with me to parties so that I had a hot topic to talk about, nor do I want the attention you brought. I love bringing my authentic self to people. I always hated lying, you knew that. I wish I could tell you this in person, but that would be a wild sight. I mean imagine if someone saw me talking to you. They would think I’m crazy. What kind of person would I be if someone saw me talking to a HAIR STRAIGHTENER! Well, I’m done breaking up with you. I am ready to move on and I wish you the best of luck in the future.

With lots of spite,


The author's comments:

We should all learn to be comfortable in our own bodies. In our most natural self.

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