My side of life | Teen Ink

My side of life

April 22, 2019
By Anonymous

I am currently doing an essay on age of consent in my school, and everyone keeps telling me that I am wrong. Well my friend is currently 16 and this is what she said. “Hi I lost my virginity at 14 years old. Due to this I am an illegal person in my state and all other states in america. So what are you going to do about it? Are you going to turn me into the cops because I did something that is part of my human nature andis part of growing up? Are you going to hold it against me because at the age of 14 I was full educated on sex and what could happen. And even knowing what could happen, I decided to have sex anyway. If you choose to prosecute me that is not my fault. That is up to you to send a smart, independant, confident and nice person to jail. But if that is what you choose, then bring it on. I will stand up for what i believe in until I die in a jail cell that you, the citizens of america put me in. So you go enjoy your sexual life, and your kids, and I will be punished for my human nature. I am not ashamed of what I did, and I am sorry that all you haters out there are not mature enough to say yes or no. and I feel bad for all those parents who do not let their kids grow up, and who hold their hand until they are 21. My sexuality is mine and in the century were gay, lesbian and trans is accepted than you should grow up and understand that your sexual status should not be illegal and you should no be criminalized for being ready at a you age. Statistically people who are ready to have sex younger turn out more responsible and more ready for challenges in your future. So to all you people who hate, you can keep your card till you are 21, and the you will be a child till you are 30, but for those of use who were ready young we will be the astronomers, lawyers, and sergons at 25 years old.”

The author's comments:

If you dissagree keep it to yourslef please, I have had enough hate to make my teen mind depressed. If you agree, please comment!!!

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