Why the growth in celebrity culture will be the inevitable downfall of expression of personality, individualism and creativity. | Teen Ink

Why the growth in celebrity culture will be the inevitable downfall of expression of personality, individualism and creativity.

April 24, 2019
By Anonymous

Celebrity culture has grown rapidly over the last decade. From the hit series of “love island” to the drama of the Kardashian family we have immersed ourselves in the world of these people, idolised them and attempted to follow their lead by buying products branded and promoted by our celebrity idols. Unfortunately, it is the younger generation who have been targeted by celebrity idolism the most. Easy to manipulate, the think tanks behind the large corporations and brands that dominate our globalised world have used celebrities as a face, a mask to disguise the brutality of targeted branding. This slowly weaves into people’s minds, bringing out the inner consumer and causing them to value material above all else, quenching any feelings of spiritualism and unification or of political outrage or an interest to change the world. We are constantly manipulated and twisted into a generation of consumers, buying what our celebrity counterparts get millions to promote this mass targeted consumerism fuelled by the right-wing newspapers and tabloids that force feed us information on our favourite idols every move, like a modern-day bible.


This submission of the masses is great for the leaders of our country. The far-right Tories who don’t value the opinion of the commoner – especially a young one can rely on this targeted globalisation to keep the masses subdued and uninterested in how our society currently functions. This state of hyper normalisation – a phrase first coined by a man living in the Soviet Union when it was near collapse describes how there is clearly something greatly wrong with how the country is run and managed. And that the order and state is collapsing, but that nobody, neither the state nor the masses act like it is happening, they just continue their daily lives – will lead to the right wind politicians in this country making lives even worse for the workers. Who already spend their unfulfilling lives working and consuming whilst glaring at a screen which advertises the next product in line for consumption on the body of their favourite idol. Through these submissive processes’ politicians can control the masses and quench the most powerful voice among – the youth. The few control the many. In addition, because it is perceived as normal, the problem is hidden behind the mask of globalisation and with the news only reporting on a little of our states mistakes we never know the full truth. They do not dissect the corruption, powerlessness and mistakes of the state, people will not rise up in protest, they will not break free without a cause – something that is getting harder and harder to find as the masses slip into the drowsy slumbering state that the system want us to exist in – like Orwellian theory has been bought alive.


However, another factor now rears its head in the westward world – the invasion of the corporations has taken us all by surprise. In addition, truth be told they now have the power, even over the state. The Transnational corporations fuelled by the fires of globalisation and the relentless materialistic movement have now gained far too much power over the people. It is they who use the celebrity’s as a mask to draw in the consumers, who then use the money and vast profits to expand their monopoly; taking advantage of the poor eastern community is before feeding the product into western society, supplying the conveyer belt of human misery and submission.


However, there is solutions to this endless stream of misery. Left wing figures are rising all over the world, from Jeremy Corbyn to Bernie Sanders. There is hope that a socialist revolution, in which radical left-wing politics invokes rules to control corporations and restrict globalisation. They will bring the power back to the people, supplying education and promoting an interest in politics and current affairs, spiritualism and the arts. This is one of the only ways to free the modern-day slave. To end the consumerist slave trade.

The author's comments:

This peice might seem quite extreme, an extreme view highlighting how much we don't really realise about our society. Obviously this is not the complete truth, we arn't all controlled by modern systems. However this problem is bigger than most realise and I'd like to raise awarness of this especially in the youht generation. 

Also just like to make its clear that even though i refer to "radical left wing politics" i am not a communist or extreme leftist but i would describe myself as being left wing.

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on Jul. 9 2019 at 5:40 pm
LaurenceHayward SILVER, Sturminster Newton, Other
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We are all in the gutter, but some us are looking at the stars.

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on May. 22 2019 at 9:38 am
msjosefine BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
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DoNkEy WhAt ArE YoU DoInG iN mY SwAmP?! - shrek

This is pretty interesting!