Daisy | Teen Ink


April 30, 2019
By kisabel BRONZE, Hemet, California
kisabel BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Sunlight, sunshine

All for you my daisy

We're getting this before you leave

All for you my daisy"

The lyrics filled my head, playing like a mantra, over and over and over again, but every time over again, it just got louder. The tears were pulled out of my eyes, pouring out like a waterfall as a new stream of emotions ran through my mind.

Now, you’re gone.

That’s one of the first times I’ve been able to bring myself to say those words without crying. I still choke up, everytime.

It still hurts baby, you might never know how much it hurts.

I miss you being there for me everyday when I’d get home. I miss you jumping up and down, as if you’re playing jump rope whenever you’d hear your cookie jar. I miss you running up to me, knocking me down because you’re so excited to see me. I miss you laying down with me as I’d read to you, sing to you and just relax with you. I miss you Daisy, I really miss you.

You were my childhood, my protector, my best friend and my sister. We did everything together. You made me happy to the point where I thought I couldn’t be any happier. You made me laugh to the point I thought I would pass out. You made me cry to the point where I thought I wouldn’t be able to keep going.

Daisy, Daisy, Daisy.

I miss calling your name out looking for you, waiting to hear the sound of your paws hitting the ground.

You were so sick my baby, and I’m so incredibly sorry that we didn’t do anything sooner. If I could go back in time I would, I would do everything in my ability to make sure you were as healthy as could be. You were old, older than I ever even realized. You were getting weak, you could hardly do anything.

So that one day when we returned home from Trader Joe’s with your favorite treats, we even bought two big boxes to make you extra happy, we didn’t know it’d be your last. We called out Daisy, looking for you, until we saw you there, you looked up at us and then slowly put your head down to take your final rest. We screamed and yelled at you to wake up. I couldn’t bear the pain, I couldn’t take it.

No one was ready for this. No one was ready for you to leave yet.

I want to hold your face in my hands again. I want to rub behind your ears, your favorite spot, to see you make the face you’d always make, your happy eyes. I want to sing your song to you, Daisy by The Maine. I want to read to you again. I want to play with you again, make agility courses for you again. I want you back baby.

My Daisy, usha ma dasha, Daisy Dog Arrocena, I miss you.

I love you.

“Sunlight, sunshine

All for you my daisy

We're getting this before you leave

All for you my daisy”

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