Filling Out the Ballot | Teen Ink

Filling Out the Ballot

October 28, 2019
By ahs2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahs2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hearing the chats and screams, I walk up to the church where we vote. Walking nervously to the entrance for my first time voting, I’m not sure what to do. The only thing I do know is who I’m marking down on a sheet of paper. I block out my parents’ voices telling me their opinion. I want to make my own decision now that I have the freedom to. 

Talking to all of the proud citizens in line  was very welcoming. “Thank you for coming out, nice to meet you.” This is how it should feel as a citizen: welcome, proud, and confident. Too many people think of voting as something they have to do, like it’s a chore, but I am proud and enjoy I get a say of how our great nation could turn out. 

Looking around I saw veterans with amputated body parts, scars, and wheelchairs made me feel fortunate. They fought for us to vote and to have a say where our country goes, this means something to them. I found the courage in myself to go talk and thank one of them. I didn’t expect the result, this really made him feel true happiness. Enough happiness to make a tear run down his soft wrinkled cheek. Deep inside my heart filled with joy as I shook his hand and walked away. 

Filling out the ballot as the line waits behind me is nerve racking. I second-guess my decision. I take a deep breath and go with my gut, my original decision. Walking out, I feel proud and confident. Putting the sticker on my shirt and over my heart, I let people know I’m a proud citizen and encourage them to take some time out of their day. 

The author's comments:

In the piece I wanted to say how important it is for new people to vote. I wanted to let them know how good it feels and that everyone can have an impact on an election. 

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