The Significance of The Sticker | Teen Ink

The Significance of The Sticker

October 28, 2019
By LES BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
LES BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Voting is not only a right, but a privilege. Citizens of the United States have the opportunity to voice their opinion on the first Tuesday after November 1st. The first Tuesday after November 1st is also when everyone posts pictures on social media wearing the “I voted” sticker. The hashtag #IVoted is always trending on every social media app. A thought always in the back of my mind is do they even care about voting? 

People like to say they voted; but do they actually care about the politics behind it? Although voting is an opportunity for change, social media has turned it into a competition. People vote to snap a selfie with the sticker. Some don’t even know the slightest thing about the candidates, but they go to the polls just so they feel good about themselves. 

It is a citizen’s responsibility to vote, but when all we care about is the sticker our chest, it defeats the meaning.  When I am able to vote, I will take it seriously. I will care about the outcome. I will stay informed. I can’t wait until it is my turn to contribute my opinion to a country decision. I am going to wear my sticker proudly, and not just because I voted, but because I care.

The sticker posted everywhere symbolizes fake enthusiasm for our country. If people cared more about changing the way of our country as much as they care about showing they voted maybe people would actually enjoy participating in our political process. Is the reward of the sticker greater than the reward of the contribution of the society? 

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