I can hear he freedom bells ring | Teen Ink

I can hear he freedom bells ring

October 29, 2019
By bkw-18 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
bkw-18 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stood at the airport with tears in my eyes as I shook the hands of the veterans who bravely fought for our lives. At the Honor Flight, the acclimation of the crowd fills the room, and in the background, the freedom bells ring. 

In second grade I swung on the creaky swings with my best friend. She went down the white slide, as I went down the black, and no matter what skin color we were, we rejoiced. Laughter fills the playground, and in the background, the freedom bells ring. 

I disagreed with the discussion in class. Most of the room was against me when we picked the movie for Spanish. We all stated our points on why we want to watch the specific ones. I sat and listened, as they did too. We all walked out together as one community. The school bell just rang, and in the background I could hear the freedom bells ring.

My mom and neighbor stood in the driveway discussing. They didn't agree on who the next president should be. Being little, I didn't quite understand what I meant when I stated “you guys are going to be going against each other!” That night my mom explained to me that everyone gets to vote for whoever they want, but it doesn't mean they are against each other and don't respect the other option. When my neighbor came over tonight we had a good discussion, in the background, I could hear the freedom bells ring. 

I watched a video where women filled the streets with posters and passion in History class. They marched and marched furious about their lack of rights. I heard chanting and yelling in the video. But when the first woman stepped up to vote, in the background the freedom bells ring.

As I walk into the town hall, about to fill out my ballot for the first time, there is quiet shuffling. I feel honor and pride that I get this privilege. I can hear the quiet scratch of the pencil on my sheet, and in the background the freedom bells ring... 

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