the insperation of music | Teen Ink

the insperation of music

April 22, 2009
By alicen bergers BRONZE, Rockford, Michigan
alicen bergers BRONZE, Rockford, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To some people, music might not matter, but to me it matters a lot. Without music I am nothing, nothing at all because music is my life and if music were to die, I would die with it. Music expresses who you are as a person. Sometimes when I am sad or upset I’ll just lay in the dark on my bed, listening to the music that fits my mood at that moment to drown out reality; because, let’s face it, reality stinks sometimes!
If we were to live in a world without music, my heart would become a black abyss spiraling down into a well, filled with my tears. So thank God we have the beautiful melody of birds chirping in the morning, waves crashing into a rocky wall, and footsteps tapping to a favorite band.
Music inspires me to do my best and not give up. Music is the soul of heartbeats. Without music it would be as if there was never any sound in the first place. Music is rhythm, rhythm is sound, and sound is the soul of the world.
Music is the “plop” raindrops make when they land in puddles. Music is birds sending off warning tones to the other birds saying “this is my home, stay away!” and music is the inspiration to life of every living creature.
Music is the soul, sound, heart, feeling, and personality of one individual person. Music is the soul of everyone; it expresses who we truly are as our own person. The sounds our feet make when we walk, or the sound of a little baby’s laughter; is music that expresses the heart of a person.
Music screams out our personality. Without personality we are all the same; boring and unexpressed as one person in this whole messed up world of ours. If we let music die we would be letting all of those beautiful things die with it. Music matters so much to me that I will never let it go.

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