World Issues Going On | Teen Ink

World Issues Going On

December 15, 2020
By Anonymous

            I am writing about Racial Stereotyping, homophobia, racism, and things like that. My reason is I want people to be informed, yes the world is making good progress in educating themselves about those kinds of things but there may be questions they still have because it may not all make sense. I like many other people who could have said or done wrong things and I take full accountability because everyone has self-growth and it's just best to learn and grow from it and so should we all try to do. I think it’s sad that many people are treated differently because of their race or sexuality so that's why I decided to write about this. Hopefully, this helps answer some questions or inform people even better.

  Why is Racism Happening?

Racism has been a thing since… Basically forever. Mankind has always done it and it tends to have been the same group of people targeted and there are multiple reasons why: because of the area/ environment they were raised, how the group of people they were racist to was presented on TV, people they hanged around and adopted similar thinking. There are many reasons why people are racist none of the reasons I listed makes it okay to be racist at all, but what puzzles me and many others is why is Racism still so bad in this world, and in some areas have it gotten worse? But really it has in a way always been so bad but people have gotten tired of it and decided to speak up because they are tired of getting treated the way their moms, dads, uncles, aunts, etc. did. I know people can’t go back in time to change all the wrongs they have done or their ancestors have done but we can try and make a change now. Many people say they aren’t racist or never have racially profiled someone but may have seen someone be racist or have been racial profiled to someone else and done nothing because they did not want to get involved, which yes racism is the big problem but also just sitting back because it doesn't really affect you is just as bad. When women were fighting for their rights some men supported them, yes it wasn’t the biggest group of supporters but everyone needs allies and supporters to stick up for them when it’s not always possible for us too. One of the biggest issues that have come to light about racism is how unfairly black people get treated by the police, judges, and government, according to Dosomething.Org in the article 11 facts about racial discrimination “On average, Black men in the US receive sentences that are 19.1% longer than those of white men convicted for the same crimes.” That's a very serious thing because everyone should be getting the same amount of jail/prison time. It's one thing to be 2.2 % more but 19.2 % is very alarming and shows how corrupt and racist the government can be. 

How & What is Racial Profiling happening and how are we partaking in it?


For a long time, I think even when growing up till just a year ago I never knew what racial profiling was and I realized I and many other people had experienced it. Mexicans, Chinese, Black, Middle Easterns(Muslims) are some of the groups who have experienced racial profiling simply because of where they come from, how they or once again how their race has been portrayed over and over again on TV so people assume their whole race may act like that which is wrong because every person is unique and can’t just be labeled the same. Some have said things or done things that are racially profiling, like assuming how a person may be based on how dark they look or how their hair may look, where they said they were from. I don't know about everything about racial profiling but I am just gonna list some types of it just as a “Have I done this?” type of checklist so we can be more careful.

People with big puffy afros or curly hair- Saying it to busy or distracting or assuming we don't know how to do our hair when it's really just a way to express ourselves
Black men with dreads- lots have people -even some I have heard say it “They probably sell drugs” or “God that's so ghetto do they not know how to do hair”: When actually black hairtypes are more difficult to do and we can not brush our hair every day or else it would actually fall out so dreads/braids makes it easier to manage

More quiet or the stereotype of “Acting White”-  is a term to classify black/biracial people who may be a lot more quiet or very smart which is very offensive because we never can act a race every human is different and just because we may intelligent doesn't mean we are acting or trying to be white, I know many people who are white and aren't the smartest and no one would ever say to them “You act so black” because it's indecent and offensive to say.

Another group of people that have experienced that have experienced racial profiling is Muslims/ Middle Easterns, ever since 9/11 happened they have been branded as terriosts becuase of ISIS and the incident even though what may have happened was wrong its also wrong to just brand all muslims/ middle easterns as terriosts. According to Cost of war racial profiling “ The total number of reported hate crime incidents in the US decreased by over 18 percent between 2000 and 2009, but during the same period, the percentage of hate crime incidents directed towards Muslims increased by over 500 percent.” Showing that the hate towards middle easterners has gotten way worse. Just like anyone in the entire world no one deserves to be treated differently because of where they come from. Many muslims while on their way going through security get pulled aside for “random” or “security” checks but its really because of the stigma towards muslims that they're all terrorists. Many people have said that what is happening to muslims isn’t fair nor right , that's their religion just like christians , no one looks at christians and think “I wonder if he's gonna shoot up a school or kill his family”, so many mass shooters or school shooters have been “christians'' we never have profiled them as all school shooters so why are we doing that to Muslims?


Another problem I’ve seen lately is homophobia. Yes I know people may say it's a choice or their religion but it going against your religion gives you no excuse to hate against people. Plus the LGBTQ+ community understands that not everyone is going to love them or go “yess omg we love you” duh we are not dumb we live in a world of hate so we are realistic but there is no reason why people should be killed, beat, bullied to extreme limits because of your religious views (When I say you I dont actually mean “you”). There's a time when you’ve just gotta stop and realize they are all normal people who want normal lives , they want families, to get married, equal rights just as any other person in the world deserves to. No member of the LGBTQ+ community chooses to be any of it , no one just choses to get constantly bullied, harassed , or oppressed, no normal human does. Many people have felt like their constantly on the fence about coming out because of the “we support gay people but do we really?” I mean the bi phobic comments : “You cant be bi if you just think guys are cute but only date girls” or gay men constanly being catorgorized as the “bestie everyone wants” or the way their family may treat them or suddenly disown them or they’d lose their family/friends ; the reasons are numerous on why someone would hold back on mack such a big decision . According to “ 1 in 5 lgbt members have experienced a hate crime in the past 12 years. The number has risen 80% from 2013-2017.” Which can make people even more scared to come out and the ones that are already out to come outside or be affectionate to the person they're with as a straight person would. LGBT community members deserve to feel safe walking down the street with the person they’re  with or avidly show it in public or go to pride parades to express their pride.  According to 10 ways homophobia affects straight people “Homophobia makes it hard to appreciate true diversity and the unique traits that are not mainstream or "normal."That just doesnt affect straight people but it affects the LGBT community because it stereotypes the striaghts and the lgbt members as if we have to act a certain , men can be more feminine and not be gay, woman can dresss like guys and be straight, girls be barbie like and be lesbian; How someone dressess, how much their in touch with their feminine side does not define their sexuality and we should respect that & be careful of not trying to push themselves out of the closest.’Another thing which I just learned about like a year ago is They/them pronouns, one of my favourite couples is a queer couple one goes by they/them and the other she/her and its easy for me to respect it. Yes it may be confusing why do they wanna be called they/ them? It’s not for us to decide why let's just respect some can because they don't feel like a woman or a man so they feel more comfortable with their pronouns and we should always wanna make people the most comfortable they can be not running away from us because we can't respect simple pronouns.



This is all I wrote. I hope I didn't offend anyone or their religion or anything. Hopefully you enjoyed it!

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