Teen Sexuality | Teen Ink

Teen Sexuality

January 9, 2021
By Anonymous

As teens, we are all questioning our identity. Whether it be figuring out our styles, interests, gender, sexuality, etc. Sexuality is something that I want to be talking about. Even if I’m not sharing my name, there are a few things that I can share. I am a 16 year old girl, I am in 11th grade, and I am bisexual. It feels good to admit it, even if my identity isn’t that thing that I am sharing. Questioning is a very difficult process and I have been through this first hand. There are so many questions that teens have when they are questioning their sexuality. Some of them don’t want to put a label on themselves because nothing feels right to them, and that is perfectly ok. Thinking about this is difficult and it is scary. There is also no rush in figuring yourself out. I mean, I started questioning when I was around 13 and didn’t come to a conclusion until a month after I turned 16. It took that long to figure myself out and that’s ok. But since I was and am a teen during this time I feel like it’s important to address this to teens around the world that are struggling with this same thing. Because coming to a conclusion is scary. Nobody is going to lie to you and tell you that once you figure yourself out, it becomes easier. It’s easier that you know who you are no doubt, however, when you are in this community, there are people that won’t support you. There are people that think the way we live is wrong. In case no one has told you, you are not “wrong.” You are not “weird” or “gross.” You are perfectly fine and perfectly normal. You are exceptional. You were born this way and no one is going to change that. I am not going to be going into the different types of sexualities or dating in the LGBTQ+ community because that’s not what this is about. I just want to talk about being comfortable in however you identify yourself. Don’t listen to people’s judgements. Whether it comes from family, peers, or any random people who think that they know you better than yourself. People are always going to judge you. I won’t lie, people will hate you. They will hate you before knowing anything else about you. This sad world is full of hatred for people who are not what people deem as “normal.” It will soon be easier, you will be immune to the hate and you won’t let it affect you. Next thing that I want to touch upon is coming out. As I am writing this, I have not come out to many people. Only a few. It is scary. That’s what I will start off saying. It is very scary. I haven’t told many people but I am lucky that the people that I have told were and are so supportive of me. But not everyone gets that. It is important to tell people when you are ready. Also don’t feel like you need to come out to people like your family, especially if you know that it won’t end well. Please make sure you are in a safe environment before you do. Make sure you have people by your side who love and accept you. Just know that no matter what happens, you have a whole community of people who got your back who want you to wave your flag proudly.

The author's comments:

I feel like this piece is important for teens everywhere who struggle with this and it is important for them to know that they are not alone. 

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