We all matter article | Teen Ink

We all matter article

May 12, 2021
By Anonymous

The article of the black community is that blacks get claimed for something they didn't and the cause of that is death. First I want to talk about Emmett: He got claimed for whistling because she was cute or something but he did not whistle at all. 

All I have to say is that before u judge black people why don't u get to know them and not wanting to kill us innocent people are population is going down because of their crucial deaths. When I look on the News I constantly see black people are dying for just getting out of the car just because police are racist. 

It's not just Men now it's Women too and it's little kids too. Tamir Rice died in the park because he was playing with a play gun come on guys no justice no peace. I think it was a couple of days ago I noticed in the pledge to the flag we do in school it say” For freedom and justice for all. But I'm not believing that we black people or us Asians or us Hispanics or whatever racists you are I don't feel we're getting the freedom were supposed to be getting.  

I grow up with the police is supposed to protect you and I'm not saying white people are scary not all white people are bad but there are bad people out there I'm not being racist I'm just saying we need are justice for all. I feel we should talk about the brutal things like slavery in school because I feel like that the teachers should be teaching this in the schools, So children can grow up and tell their children and their children and their children so it can go on and on for generations. 

And think of the parents are brothers and sisters that lost their mom or dad or grandma or aunt. Now be quiet for a short second and think about it, U were having a good day and u get a phone call that one of your family members got shot or got suffocated to death or anything bad. Now think about it how would u feel if that happened to u?

Now I'm not scared to say that when I heard that George Floyd died I was scared because I didn't I know that policemen were so brutal and filled with so much hate I was scared but listen we are safe. Don't think about the bad think about the good.

And I wanted to do something about it but guess what I couldn't do anything about it because it happened years ago, Think about losing a family member as I said early in the passage just sit there think of your favorite member, and one day they don't come home at the right time and your worried and you don't know what to do till you get a phone call that your family member got shot.

Now I know the way you feel but guess what the families that lost their sons and daughters or dad and moms, How do you think they feel about that happening to them?

Last, I just want to say I love my school No one I mean NO one sees me as a bad black girl they see me as a beautiful black girl and you black girls or black boys or Asian boy and girls or white boys and white girls or Hispanic boys and girls or whatever racist you are I don't see you as a skin color I just see you as a regular human.

And if you don't feel that way I'll be thinking about you because I don't like seeing anyone hurt NEVER.

If you're wondering why did she type this big passage I did this because I was thinking of all my friends and family and teachers and nurse and principles and secretaries and if I missed you I'm really sorry.



Those who died from bad deaths and trust me we are thinking of you.


The author's comments:

I think I did this for a good reason because people are dying out there Iand losing their families. it's sad and I thought to myself why not make an article about the stuff that's happening in the world stuff that we people us Americans us African us Asians and us Hispanics. I don't think it's fair to be racist because the people who are racist are against all and maybe them self I don't know why, this world is full of hate but I hope you read this a change.

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