This is your story. | Teen Ink

This is your story.

November 22, 2021
By Anonymous

This is your story, but if you don't seem to show interest, you don't have to listen. But for those who care to stay, thanks. You may relate in some cases with this story, but this story keeps you from not making that same mistake. It's a life lesson. It's a warning, to stay alert when the same event happens. If the same issue has appeared once again, you surely will not be there to experience it.

You would have gone somewhere, where no one would find you. You'll be there for a couple of hours thinking if you should go back. Not sharing to anyone, you go back on your own pace. I feel like a story has many chapters to it, but some story are quite smaller than others. They end quickly, leaves you with a sad look on your face, " when will there be a #2?" But there will not be another one coming anytime soon. Because that story didn't have a plot. If it had a plot it would be way longer than before. You need a purpose, and if you don't have that purpose than, it wouldn't makes sense. And you'll want to end it. So surely enough, makes sure you have a plan for that story. Makes sure it has the right elements in the right order, so that story would be endless. You can continue on writing story till you cant anymore. That purpose you have will make your story beautiful. 

The author's comments:

You can only write your own story.

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