America's Beacon: The Bill of Rights | Teen Ink

America's Beacon: The Bill of Rights

November 27, 2021
By MystaryPi BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
MystaryPi BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars.” —Les Brown

In the autumn of 1950, General Douglas MacArthur won a decisive battle in Incheon, Korea, effectively turning the tide of the Korean War. Years later, thanks to MacArthur’s contributions, my grandparents from Korea were able to immigrate to the United States and obtain greater opportunities. In the summer of 2016, my family and I visited Incheon and the statue of Douglas MacArthur that overlooks the harbor, sharing to me the story of the Korean War and the means of how I am living in America today. 

The story of the American Dream is a treasured part of our culture and national pride. But America’s admirable values of freedom, justice, and dignity would have been inconceivable without our Bill of Rights. Where the Constitution serves as the foundation of the government of the United States, the Bill of Rights serves as the foundation for civil liberty for all US citizens. These liberties and freedoms are the beacons that encourage many people to seek a path to the United States. 

Today, Americans often cross paths with the first amendment of the Bill of Rights and its freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. We embrace the values of this document while learning about diverse opinions in the news, sharing our philosophies on global issues, or participating in nationwide protests for what we believe is right. The Bill of Rights encourages civil discourse so that all perspectives can contribute to a conversation.

Whether it's the opportunities that our predecessors sought or the freedom to engage our ideas in an increasingly connected world, the Bill of Rights intertwines our past and present. When I visit the statue of Douglas MacArthur once more, I will truly appreciate how the Bill of Rights continues to protect the freedom of all Americans. 

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