an ode to a stupid society. | Teen Ink

an ode to a stupid society.

December 8, 2022
By shasgarli BRONZE, Baku, Other
shasgarli BRONZE, Baku, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
write where it hurts.

I’m walking around the school, looking at everyone. All I can see is shallowness in their faces. All I can see is them not caring about the right things. Their faces are so shallow that I can almost see depth in it. Disgusted by the thought, I decide to walk away to a place where there isn’t anyone. Where I know I’ll be detoxicated from all the stares I got today just for having different thinking patterns. Actually, having any thinking patterns at all. Even my parents and loved ones tell me to be more outgoing and to not to judge people for their opinions. Oh, but mom, they don’t have any opinions. They don’t want to have anything to do with thinking. They judge the ones who do, though. And besides, to develop an opinion about something, one must have information about it, not just copy other people’s opinions. That would make them an imbecile. For example, I had an...interesting interaction the other day. When I asked this guy to bring an argument to the table on why he doesn’t like a certain artist’s music, he said, verbatim,

“But she’s done pretty controversial things in the past!”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know for sure, but she has.”

“You don’t even know WHAT she did, yet judge her music according to your unreliable source? And why does it matter anyway? She might be a sh*t person, but her music is great. Better than those superficial sounding songs anyway. You might not support someone and still enjoy their art, y’know.”

I kind of lost my hope for our generation after that. He was probably copying someone’s opinion on twitter, but he didn’t fully read the thread, or worse, he read it on a TikTok video’s description. Sure, there are a few people who can really see the world the way it is, but unfortunately they’re miles and countries away. So, until I meet someone that I can actually talk to without beating the sh*t out of them, I ought to be targeted as “the weirdo” by my peers. And the thing is, my loved ones tell me off, they say, “Oh, you have to adjust yourself, honey, you won’t meet and marry anyone if you keep being as stubborn as you are.” Well, it’s way better than spending my life with an idiot who can’t think for themselves, grandma.

“Why don’t you try to look nice, or care about your looks, like other girls do?” Because, grandma, I have the godsend prophetic ability to think and develop an opinion, and my opinion is that looks don’t matter at all. I mean, let’s look at it from a logical perspective. Let’s say that the world is facing a huge meteor, it is most likely to fall on earth and destroy humanity. I'm going to go with 2 scenarios here. Now, if the government wants to prevent the world from being destroyed, will they choose the best dressed bunch or the best scientists? Will supermodels save the world with their shiny looks or will the scientists avoid the meteor crash? And for the second scenario, imagine that a few atom bombs have exploded (oops) and there are sanctuaries to keep valuable people in, people who can help restore the earth and bring life back to our planet. Will it be the influencers who have no morals or values whatsoever; or people who are intelligent, strong and healthy enough to help the government with their goal? I believe finding the answers to both of the questions won’t be that hard. And the world is close to its end anyway, if we keep going in this cycle of filthy companies using children, minorities and women, putting out a sh*t ton of toxic waste and promoting unhealthy standards while people try to edit themselves according to the standards, which change every 3-4 years, by the way. There are only a few people who notice this pattern of manipulation and gaslighting but there aren’t enough of us to break the cycle. While we protest for our rights, they scroll through videos that are as short as 15-20 seconds, videos which damage their brain that was already little. Those TikTok videos shorten people’s attention span and they start to diagnose themselves with ADHD, but all they need to do is get off social media and look up! There are so many things wrong, all you need to do is look, for f*ck’s sake. In the past century, activists urged people to THINK, whereas now, things are so bad, that all you need to do is LOOK. 

So, congrats. The world is ending and you had a great contribution in this process by simply sitting around and doing nothing about it. I wish you happiness in your life. As much as you can get from the toxicated air and buildings covering your city. And your food containing harmful chemicals that could cause cancer, which by the way, still has no cure. Farewell.

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