The Perfect Day | Teen Ink

The Perfect Day

June 18, 2009
By Anonymous

One day there was a boy, called Ryan. Ryan was tall, dark haired, and was in perfect physical shape. Both of his parents worked as a lawyer. THey both made a hundred grand every six months on average. Yet, they never let Ryan go to any late parties. Then his parents eventually allowed Ryan to have a sixteenth birthday party, that was until something bad happened. On the day of his sixteenth birthday, both of his parents died in a terrible car accident, in which they were bringing home Ryan's cake. As you can probably tell, Ryan cried for hours and left his own sixteenth birthday party. Would you if you lost both parents on your birthday? Yet Ryan built up the strength and eventually left the house. He pulled out his ipod, from his pocket, and started to sing to his true feelings. As he sat down on this white bench waiting for the bus to arrive, a short, but powerful looking, guy approached Ryan. Ryan pulled out one ear bug at a time as the guy handed him some papers. They were for a recording deal. The mystery guy was for a major recording company and liked Ryan singing. Ryan grinned from ear to ear, and signed it right on the spot. They both went back, to the recording studio, and recorded a song. The song was about Ryan's parents. Ryan took a while and began to sing. Eventually he realized he had the perfect day. Besides the recording contract, he knew that he took his parents's love for granted.

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