Empathy Is A Responsibility All Humans Have To Each Other: This I believe  | Teen Ink

Empathy Is A Responsibility All Humans Have To Each Other: This I believe 

July 15, 2024
By ih3art-praise BRONZE, Mattapan, Massachusetts
ih3art-praise BRONZE, Mattapan, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In this life, I believe every person's purpose is to support and make life better for everyone. It's about being kind, helping, and working together to create a world where everyone can succeed. By caring for others and standing up for what’s right, we can all make a positive impact on the world around us. This ideology goes past individuality. If we all had this ideology the world would be a better place as a collective. Through kindness, understanding, and solidarity, we can contribute to the greater good and give space to a more harmonious and fair society.

When I was younger I figured all adults were automatically nice people. It had not occurred to me that some human beings don't care about others as much as they taught us to when we were kids. When I was 8 I moved to America. Moving from Nigeria to the US and dealing with bullies taught me to understand how others feel. When I arrived, I faced challenges fitting in and making friends. Some kids were mean to me, making me feel different and unwanted. Going through this made me realize how hurtful words and actions can be. It made me want to understand and care about others' feelings more. Now, I try to be kind and supportive to everyone, especially those who might be struggling like I did. Listening and helping others out is important to me because I know what it's like to feel left out.

Growing up with a mom who put herself through medical school so she could take care of elders taught me a lot about empathy. I saw firsthand how hard she worked and how much she cared for her patients. She often shared stories about the challenges her patients faced, illness, and the struggles of old age. Through her experiences, I learned to see more than my own world and understand the difficulties others go through. It made me more compassionate and willing to help people, especially those who are vulnerable or in need of support. My mom's dedication and empathy have shaped how I approach relationships and how I strive to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Empathy can make our world a much kinder and more understanding place. When we take the time to understand how others feel, we're better able to support them through their challenges. Imagine if everyone cared about each other's feelings and treated each other with kindness. It would mean fewer misunderstandings and more support for each other's well-being. Empathy helps us see beyond ourselves and connect with people from different backgrounds or who are going through tough times. It encourages us to be kinder and more helpful, creating a community where everyone feels respected and valued.

Empathy is not just a nice quality to have, it's a fundamental responsibility we all share as human beings. It's about recognizing and valuing the experiences and feelings of others, even if they are different from our own. By practicing empathy, we create stronger bonds and a more supportive society where everyone feels heard and understood. It's through empathy that we can overcome conflicts, and foster a sense of unity. As individuals, we have the power to make a positive impact simply by being empathetic in our interactions and decisions. Together, we can build a world where compassion and understanding prevail, making life better for everyone. This I believe.

The author's comments:

This article is a response to the 'This I Belive' essay prompt.

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